
by EvilToaster

21 years, 6 months ago

See, Chad, this is the stuff I was talking about. Pi**ing people off with no good excuse. C'mon, I expected better.

by toygeek1

21 years, 6 months ago

Evil Toaster
See, Chad, this is the stuff I was talking about. Pi**ing people off with no good excuse. C'mon, I expected better.

Have you ever heard the phrase “damned if you do, and damned if you don't”?

I agree, Chad not dropping a line, or at least having some else drop one was probably not the way to go, but what was the alternative? If he had come in and made a statement saying that the voting was going to have to be put off, no matter WHAT the reason, the first thing that would have happened would be someone would have called him a liar…again…and t would have touched off a whole new campaign of “ridicule Chad”.

I mean, hell…for all anyone around here knew, he could have had a death in the family, or some other such tragedy. How stupid would you have felt if that had happened? Do you know how many deaths occur when people at the bar realize they don't have to be at work on Monday?

Yeah, I know. It's an extreme example. But dammit, it's just as ridiculous as the politics on this board. Do I think Chad could have handled it better? Probably. That doesn't mean he needs to be crucified for it. He's human, just like the rest of us. You want things to be better? Pitch in an help instead of just bitching about how bad it is. If it's so bad, why are you still here? It doesn't make logical sense for someone to stay in a place they hate so much without a reason, and the only reason I see is that people want to try and tear this place down.

Here's another phrase people might be familiar with…“self-fulfilling prophesy”. If you're so determined that this place is going to be hell. It will be.

*sigh* I don't know why I bother…the people that should read what I just wrote have probably already stopped reading and written off what I have to say as blind Chad supporting. Which is a funny thought from blind Chad-haters. I've said it before…I'm not the guy's biggest fan, but he's getting a bad rap that he doesn't deserve.

And for those few of you that suffer from supreme stupidity, let me just state for the record that no, I am not Chad. Pardon me for not digging your site more than this one.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 6 months ago

Please keep all Politics to the Site Suggestion Forum…follow my example people! Follow the rules….

So what if he is late? It's not like it's anything new, nor is it ragnarok. It's simply what it is, a failed deadline. We're all still alive.

And no, I'm not Pro-Chad now, I still stand by what i said…but ToyGeek has a point :p Listen to him………Now if he starts saying that and follow it by saying “I am Vigo…” then you stop listening…Comprehend?

by toygeek1

21 years, 6 months ago

Please keep all Politics to the Site Suggestion Forum…follow my example people! Follow the rules….

Oops…sorry. Was responding to the post before me, and didn't think about it. If one of the mods feels it needs to go, please feel free to dump it and this one.

Oh, and “I am Vigo!” Heh…

by Xenographer42

21 years, 6 months ago

I am not, and I repeat, NOT, going to repeat the long-overdone “hanging chad” pun. Never.

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

Come on ‘Guest’, at least have the guts to post who you are, it's cowardly to insult someone else, when you don't even have a name to go by.

by slimerboy

21 years, 6 months ago

i wouldnt be suprised if “guest” turned out to be a gutless member of this site

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 6 months ago

can you get any more brown on your noise.

Can you be anymore of a coward? Nope, didn't think so.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 6 months ago

by Ghostbusters.tk

21 years, 6 months ago

Matthew, that is probably the smartest thing anyone has said on this board since it it came back under the management of Chad. Yep, dishonesty is the problem here.