
by toygeek1

21 years, 6 months ago

Dr. Riddle
Oh, and “I am Vigo!” Heh…

Does that mean that we can't listen to you know? :p :-)
Like anyone actually does to begin with.

As to the legal reasons, I totally believe it. Back when I still wrote for Zentertainment, there was a point where we would put up the shipping list for Diamond. It's something that people could easily have emailed to them, but it's a big damn email, so a lot of folks don't.

Well, Diamond emailed and basically said “cut it out or we'll hit you with a cease and desist”. It wasn't that we got anything official, just a warning. But that stuff can really screw you up, so we stopped putting it up immediately. Not much else we could do.

Not saying that IS the case here, but it could be. C&D's are getting more and more common with internet-type stuff…so until someone shows me proof to the contrary, I'm going to believe it.

by sinister1

21 years, 6 months ago

Guest, please do the decent thing and come out from under your shell!

by Ghostbusters.tk

21 years, 6 months ago

Actually, that last “Guest” post was by me. For some reason it didn't go under my username, and I had to re-log in.

EDIT:: And yes, I only did that one post as Guest. I have nothing to hide.

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

I'm Chad's “legal problems”….

Bad Guest
I'm the bad guest…I didnt make the pro-chad post…I think chad is a dork…with 4 eyes and 3 ears…Misfit….Anyway…Riddle….I'm Sony who else….Chad thinks we are friends buy everyone here at Sony really dislikes him…Sorry I can't log on under a name but “legal reasons” stop me from doing so….HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Now this is the reason why we had so many MODS. I don't think it's Bo, secrecy's not his style.

Guest, unless I know who you really are, I think you're a coward, and a time waster. You post under the ambiguous name of GUEST. You have nothing to identify you, no email, no pics. You go and make comments about people, and at least they don't hide behind an option on this site. Show yourself you coward. And Bad Guest, the same applies for you.

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago


That's only a guess of mine though.

But whoever that person is, it just shows they're too cowardly to risk whatever they have here with their actions by having no identity.

by Ghostbusters.tk

21 years, 6 months ago

I'm Chad's “legal problems”….

Bad Guest
I'm the bad guest…I didnt make the pro-chad post…I think chad is a dork…with 4 eyes and 3 ears…Misfit….Anyway…Riddle….I'm Sony who else….Chad thinks we are friends buy everyone here at Sony really dislikes him…Sorry I can't log on under a name but “legal reasons” stop me from doing so….HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Now this is the reason why we had so many MODS. I don't think it's Bo, secrecy's not his style.

Guest, unless I know who you really are, I think you're a coward, and a time waster. You post under the ambiguous name of GUEST. You have nothing to identify you, no email, no pics. You go and make comments about people, and at least they don't hide behind an option on this site. Show yourself you coward. And Bad Guest, the same applies for you.

You're forgetting one thing:

A lot of people will no longer log in to this place out of sheer principle. I didn't for a month. Now I log in because I want people to know who I am. Now, this guest has not offered much in the way of real conversation, but the jokes are funny. I pretty much just have to laugh whenever I come to this board, because eveything is either stupid or sad. For example:

until someone shows me proof to the contrary, I'm going to believe it.

Now, I am not insulting Toygeek, but look at that statement very closely. That is the statement that seems very common on this board, and the translation of it is this:

I will believe I everything I read until someone proves it wrong

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

Okay, what is your name, ‘Guest’?

It's not that I'm upset, it's just you have no right to say the things you did, when you didn;t have a name to go by.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 6 months ago

Poor misguided fool……Most likely he thinks he's making some big revolution….Seriously, no one ever does anything the right way but me…..There is a 7 page thread in the Site Suggestion forum and you have yet to say anything that can't be found in that thread….AND GUESS WHAT? Thats where Political posts are supposed to be….but oh no, it's the fabulous mystery guest who complains and annoys people. He can't do that…It would be immoral…..I hate to inform you, but by posting we already have your address….Your IP addy is posted along with your posts and we can very well WHOIS you and find out exactly where you live :p

This coming from the man who declared Jihad on Chad Paulson, I remind you….

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

That was worth it wasn't it?

Well good riddence, I sure know that you couldn't be a friend of mine, I don't make friends with cowardly know-it-alls who play games. So long!

by sinister1

21 years, 6 months ago

Oh let me think… if Chad really wanted to say this, he would have actually logged in! Your not very good at this impersonation lark! dedicated people would have reproduced CHads exact profile, sig and avatar to a T! Aswell as making a name sauch as “Chad.” Notice the “.”? And I say this a s a little warning for anyone who sees “Chad” making such posts! Be on your toes!