21 years, 6 months ago
21 years, 6 months ago
Now, I am not insulting Toygeek, but look at that statement very closely. That is the statement that seems very common on this board, and the translation of it is this:
I will believe I everything I read until someone proves it wrong
21 years, 6 months ago
Now, I am not insulting Toygeek, but look at that statement very closely. That is the statement that seems very common on this board, and the translation of it is this:
I will believe I everything I read until someone proves it wrong
Well, you did insult me. Did you read the rest of my post? I choose to believe that he had legal reason to remove the posts because I have personally been in a similar situation.
21 years, 6 months ago
Ghostbusters.tkFair enough. I never said that there weren't points to be made for the “against”…I just think that until the whole story is heard, passing judgement is a bad idea. Though I am tempted to argue the point of things being closed/deleted to his benefit…if there's one thing that threads like this prove, it's that the behavior has NOT benefited Chad. Which is another part of why I give him benefit of the doubt, actually…who in their right mind would WANT to put up with this crap over and over?
Remember, this is all hypothetical, but show me some evidence to the contrary.
21 years, 6 months ago
I'm not saying that it's definitely not legal reasons (some of the time, anyways), but I have a serious problem with a message board that has 8,000 members and after three months worth of posts are deleted with no explanation (for about another two months), only about ten of said members question it.
I have a problem with me being banned for pointing out that Chad broke his “only one post per person” rule.
I have a problem with someone handing over a message board to someone, then yanking it back when they don't like what's going on (even though the other thousand members think it's for the best).
I have a problem when a message board is plagued with “legal reasons” for locking posts, deleting posts, and banning members. GBHQ doesn't have this problem, and there's a lot of traffic over there.
I have a problem when said “legal reasons” always, always, always seem to be to the benefit of the person claiming them.
And I certainly have a problem with someone who continually makes promises but never keeps them.
You might think that I'm a “Chad Hater” but go look at any of our old convos on GBN, and you'll see that I tried to help him out numerous times. I have gone above and beyond, trying to just get him to show one tiny shred of evidence that any of what he is saying is true. I have asked him, both in these forums and instant messages, why back and TexasGB who were known to be threatening users, were immediately put in charge when he came back. Chad has avoided the issue at all costs. He is a master of avoiding the issue.
And the mod voting solution is simple. Make a poll with a list of all the nominees. Let it run for a week, then de-mod the old mods and give the new ones their rightful place. If Chad can't come up with that on his own, then I think we have even more serious problems here. But the fact that he claims that he can't find a solution is just more cause for alarm. How long did he have to come up with what I did in five seconds?
The fact is, when TexasGB was de-adminned, Chad came and took the board back. Now he's putting off mod voting. Perhaps he doesn't like the idea of certain friends of his not winning?
Remember, this is all hypothetical, but show me some evidence to the contrary.
That's a good example Toygeek, but the problem here is that it happens at every turn. For example;
-Sony threatens a cease and desist because they don't like new mods
-Sony threatens a cease and desist because we are talking about the comic
-Sony threatens a cease and desist because someone on the message board doesn't like an artist
-Sony threatens a cease and desist because the comes under new management
I cannot believe this. They are lies. We have not seen one shred of evidence. All we get is messages deleted with “legal reasons” cited as the cause. Yet somehow, they are always posts that disagree with Chad's viewpoint.
We have people complaining that mods are abusing their powers. Nothing is done.
We have people spamming the boards. Nothing is done.
We have people sending virii to members emails. Nothing is done.
We have people disagreeing with Chad. They are banned.
Bad Guest
Anyway…Riddle….I'm Sony who else….Chad thinks we are friends buy everyone here at Sony really dislikes him…Sorry I can't log on under a name but “legal reasons” stop me from doing so….HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
21 years, 6 months ago
21 years, 6 months ago
21 years, 6 months ago
21 years, 6 months ago
21 years, 6 months ago