
by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 6 months ago

you have my vote zack!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 6 months ago

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 6 months ago

I am so jumping on the Zack bandwagon here,

VOTE ZACK!!!!!!!

by ajquick1

21 years, 6 months ago

<a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101084/">“Doug” (1991)

… and he likes Doug.. could he be any more right for the job.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 6 months ago

Yeah Zack, you'd be great for the job.

by protoK

21 years, 6 months ago

thought i would join in as well

by ajquick1

21 years, 6 months ago

what can I say? Doug's done it all. Gotten a pimple, thought he was fat, learned to dance, had a cavity, started a garage band, knocked out Larry, ran for class treasurer, conquered liver and onions, rode a horse, helped Judy get her license, beat Dr Klotzenstein, beat Robobone, beat Wacky Weatherman, beat Rulemeister, did ballet, joined the Bluffscouts, bagged a nematoad, was on Kiddie Corral, got handcuffed to Patti, knocked down a house with one rock, had a lucky hat, was mayor for a day, mowed lawns, thought he had a big nose, thought his bike was stolen, went to Al and Moo's house, almost had his best friend move, got a haircut, met the Beets, the list goes on. :p


by PrincessArtemis

21 years, 6 months ago

I probably should say this elsewhere, but good night, if there was ever a rule that needs to be put in place is the frickin' mods need to SAY THEY HAVE EDITED A POST. That's just common kindness. Let the rest of us know that say, Bo Holbrook didn't post a complete non-sequitter, or that something (in this case, the “C&D” examples) were removed from ghostbusters.tk's post. Let us know we are getting a censored response–it is both kind to the rest of us (so we don't get the wrong idea about a member) and good for the mods to demonstrate that whatever was removed was worth removing. The mods should sign their name to every edit of every post they make.

I have to wonder if certain mods are afraid to show their activity? I gotta wonder if those certain mods (and no, I'm not singling anyone out, I don't know any of you well enough) are abusing their power. All this stealth editing makes it seem that way.

Anyway–on another subject, if it means anything to you, I listen to you, Toygeek. I see a very rational person when I read your posts, whether I agree with them or not. Given your experience, I think you're right to give those who have the “insider” knowledge the benefit of the doubt. (Benefit, at least–not blind faith, which I don't see you giving…)

by Kingpin

21 years, 6 months ago

Ah, for the hell of it.


You can't forget Doug surviving a blizzard while trapped in his school.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 6 months ago

I see someone deleted my post, I'll post it again. I will continue to do so as long as it gets deleted.

This is nothing new fellas. Some of you seem to be acting as if this is some kind of rare occurrance. It's not, Chad does this ALL the time. Just as usual he used his “Real Life” and “Other Projects” as an excuse. Ask yourself, if Chad's real life is so inhibiting and keeps him from working on the website why did come back from retirement? Why didn't he just stay retired and let people who actually can work on the website. For “Legal Reasons” right. My left nut legal reasons.

Also, Does anyone else notice how TexasGB supports whatever Chad does regardless of what it is. I mean Chad could rape his mother and Tex would assuredly bellow “Well, I'm sure she had it coming. Chad is always right in what he does”

Also folks, If you want someone OTHER than Chad or TexasGB To be an Admin don't hold your breath cause it ain't happening.