
by Ghostbusters.tk

21 years, 6 months ago

The Princess brings up a good point:

Who the hell is editing posts without telling people who they are and even that the posts were edited.

This is an effective way that Chad has used to attempt to control the community for a long time.

And to repeat my deleted words:

We have members spamming the boards. Nothing is done.

We have members sending virii to other members email. Nothing is done.

We have members disagreeing with Chad. They are banned.

EDIT:: And by the way, I am Brian. Kingpin, you should know that I am not so cowardly as to hide behind a “Guest” name. I thought this user name was pretty obvious, seeing as it's my website address.

by will1

21 years, 6 months ago

I dont post mulch around here but. I'll vote for zach even if he tied a belt around his head wore his underwear on the outside and called himself QuailMan. But he calls me Quaildog I'll steal Patty Mayonaise from him! :-)

by back

21 years, 6 months ago

Listen guys, when someone brings in a 40 year old radio for me to repair and i have about 15 other appliances to service first i tell them “by the 13th or 14th it'll be done and you can pick it up”. but sometimes that doesnt always happen. sometimes i have to order parts from god knows where, i break a tool and have to replace it, etc. things come up. so i call them letting them know that it'll be done as soon as the last 4 are finished with. sure they Might be a little pissed off but i eventually get the job done as soon as humaly possible and do the job well. repairing vintage appliances is Not my life. i have my woman, family, friends, sleeping, etc. what do you think chad does all day? hover over his CPU grinding away at mod voting systems and GBN? he as myself and you all have other things to do in your lifes then just drool over the boards 24/7. people have church, family dinners, sleeping, TV, school, girl/boyfriends, birthdays, funerals… the list goes on. so keep on topic.
im gone.

by boholbrook1

21 years, 6 months ago

It would be different if this only happened occasionally back. But this happens ALL the time. I'll tell ya what it is folks.

Chad feeds people what they want to hear and when everything quiets down because of it he's free to leave and do whatever he wants. It's what he always does. The guy cares squat about the community.

Also i'd like to comment again about this “He has a real life” Bullshit. If the guy's real life affects his being able to run this site THAT much he should have stayed retired. He had the chance to stay gone and let people who could run the site do it. But no, he couldn't stand not having any power.

by gbmasterman

21 years, 6 months ago

Maybe we should all just take a step back from the mood slime

by boholbrook1

21 years, 6 months ago

Why is it whenever ANYTHING negative or remotely negative is said on this board someone just HAS to say some stupid line involving “Mood Slime”

by raystantz2

21 years, 6 months ago

Bo Holbrook
Why is it whenever ANYTHING negative or remotely negative is said on this board someone just HAS to say some stupid line involving “Mood Slime”

lol. Mabye he loves the stuff

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 6 months ago

Zack in 03! :p Down with Chad “The Invisible Man” Paulson!

by ajquick1

21 years, 6 months ago

… OK.. I am asking all moderators to step down from their positions. If you are a moderator, go to the usergroups, click on moderators, and click on unsuscribe!

by boholbrook1

21 years, 6 months ago

I'd think a whole topic would be more effective for that AJ.