I've joined this forum at least 3 times now… I promise I'll be good and not forget my login, change my email address etc.
I'm Fraser, from Scotland, Glasgow actually.
I'm a freelance filmmaker and a total geek.
I'm 23 years old and when I was 5, I remember, being downstairs, on my birthday, my mum and dad brought my birthday cake in and then the TV was switched on and an old librarian was walking through the library… it was Ghostbusters.
That is honestly the first film I ever remember. And it still, to this day, kicks ass

I'm actually in the process of writing a feature film, inspired by Ghostbusters (and some other things that I'm addicted too lol) so it's good to be able to watch Ghostbusters for research hehe. It's not a fan film, it's my own characters, story etc, but yeah, there's a few references to the ole boys in grey.
Hope to talk to you all soon!