Hello from the UK!

by fome

18 years ago

then what's the point of leaving it open? just delete the intro topic then lol

by heslimedme251

18 years ago

don't make me come over there you two…i mean it! i'l turn ecto-1 right around and tell slimer you have food hidden in your shoes!

jeesh! welcome aboard!


by fome

18 years ago

just bring it


by sinister1

18 years ago

For those who decide to use it.

by Ectoplasmic_Residue

18 years ago

Muhahahahhahaha THE BRITS ARE COMING!

Yes, anyway, hello Vicki. I USED to live in Staffordshire. Dearest Benjamin should know that I moved to Essex a few years back. Tut tut.

Welcome to the boards.

WOW! What a coincidence! I lived in Essex (Romford) before moving to Stoke-on-Trent in January of 2000!

Thank you all for the welcome everyone. I checked the other thread, and thank you for all the free stuff! Although my room is gonna be an even bigger mess

by fusi0n1

18 years ago

is funny to see that, only because the new person is from the UK as the 2 mods who usually hang in here, she does not get any “there's a introduction topic blabla” complaint from them… smells like racism lol


I just find that unfair for other new users who do the same and instead of getting a “welcome” they get all sorts of complaints to scare them off…
I know you said you were joking, but it feels like you've got something against the mods. But for a while now I've noticed we haven't been shoving the intro topic link in the newcomers faces. (For the last month or so at least)

I think everyone's given up on telling people, some like to read every topic, some get excited and like to start posting straight away. I guess we just have to live with it.

by fome

18 years ago

I don't really mind… I just don't get why other newbies get the “there's a intro topic blablabla” complaint and then they never come back because they feel attacked… now it's someone from the uk = no complaint lol

by sinister1

18 years ago

Fome, for crying out loud, it's been explained, and frankly, Fusi0n said it better than I did.

Now let the girl enjoy her intro topic.

by fome

18 years ago

Iain, I'm not doing anything to not let her enjoy it as I'm not saying nothing against her, all I did was to post that old thread and expressing what I see, and besides, it's not like what I said it's not true… (*egon)

now, I hope you do not think I'm confronting your authority or anything…

I was just letting out something I don't get… no hard feelings…

by Kingpin

18 years ago

The problem was you were seeing something that wasn't there… and instead of taking up the faux-issue in a private message or email it got posted here, running the topic off topic.


Hope you have a good time here Vicki, it's worth it if you can stand such a large collection of large and colourful characters. :p