Help make the site what it should be!


22 years, 5 months ago

Okay guys, when me and vince came up with this site idea we also came ot the conclusion that it would be mostly fan run. So we really need your stuff! Even if it's just ghost ideas, me and vince can work out the technical stuff! please, send send send!

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 4 months ago

I've been sending, GBVA, but I don't know if you have any of it.

I will send some adventures as soon as I get them written.

Oh yes, and I will send pictures as soon as I get ahold of a scanner.

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 4 months ago

Don't be afraid to send ideas. Send anything. No need to know th details….gbva and I will work those out.

My email is

GBVA's is

by GBFreak

22 years, 4 months ago

Could oyu give an example of what you two are looking for? I'd love to help in any way I can.

by LordVego

22 years, 4 months ago

Yeah guys i wanna help, just what exactly are you looking for?

by GBFreak

22 years, 4 months ago

If you want our help why don't you explain what you want? I'd love to be a part of this.

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 4 months ago

GBVA, I thought the site was going to be updated. I haven't seen anything yet.

by ProdigalSon

22 years, 4 months ago

i'd love to help too just let me know what i have to do.