Help Mario Marathon 3 get a $10,000 donation

by Sii

14 years, 10 months ago

Many of you probably haven't heard of Mario Marathon. It is a yearly event, going on it's third iteration this June, in which some guys set up streaming video of them playing Mario Bros. games for a weekend marathon. The more money donated to Child's Play, the more games they play.

Recently, a member from Something Awful has entered the Doritos Viralocity contest where the most viral video receives $100,000. Since the video was worked on by several people, they are going to split the winnings and his share will be $10,000. If he wins, he will be donating his share to the Mario Marathon.

All I am asking of this community is to give a view, give it a 5 star rating, tweet about it, and embed it in your facebook. All of those actions will help him accumulate points, and get him closer to the lead position. Currently, his video is sitting in second place, and the contest ends at the end of this month. Anything you can do to help get the word out for this video would be helpful.

If you want to watch some of their archived videos from last year, or hop on June 25 for this years stream, here is the website: