help needed for starting a RGB role play...

by dancingtoaster

21 years, 9 months ago

Me and Egonsgirl are planning on having a RGB RP session but we want to use GURPS…and we can't find it…can I just use an existing system like White-Wolf and edit it for RGB?

Thanks for the help…

by evil_toaster

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey fellow toaster!
I'm new at this.. what are GURPS?

by dancingtoaster

21 years, 9 months ago

G (i forget)
U (universal)
R (role)
S (system)

hello…evil toaster…

by DrSpectrum

21 years, 9 months ago


by dancingtoaster

21 years, 9 months ago

thanks Doc…

so no one has any hints/tips/friendly warnings about this system? IS there one for Ghostbusters?

by castewar

21 years, 9 months ago

Are you looking for a new system because you're having trouble finding the old system or do you find the old system to simplified and want a more in-depth game system?

GURPS is an OK system, but it's very broad (hence the “generic”). It'll take some time to figure out find the rule elements you'd like to use.

You might want to consider something like WEGs Legends system, which is essentially the broader version that decended from the original GB RPG system. If you use it in combination with the old system, you can fairly easily work out a more in-depth game that will also use the original game's source materials.


21 years, 9 months ago

GURPS is a good system from what I hear, and white wolf can be put into anything. but then again so can everything. Personally the best system in my opinion for *most* RPGs is the D20 3rd ed. system. Then the D6 system, white wolf and so on. Well, GURPS would work pretty good.

by dancingtoaster

21 years, 9 months ago

i know white wolf fairly well….better than the d20 systems…I might go ahead and do white wolf…I dunno…

by castewar

21 years, 9 months ago

There are pros and cons to using the d20 system for Ghostbusting. One advantage is that there are lots of monsters you can use. With some small adaptation to levels, you can easily modify existing D&D monsters.

The problem with the d20 system (and most other systems actually) is that it's designed to be a combat system, with feats and skills designed for beating the hell out of a monster (or it beating the hell out of you). The things particular to Ghostbusting would have to be drawn up almost from scratch, like ghostbusting equipment for example. There are some feats you can use (certain physical ones, like dodge), but most are particular to fantasy combat. You'll get some more if you lift some from the d20 Modern system or Weird War II's system, but even then, you're prerequisite system is all broken up.

Any system you adapt, there's going to be a lot of work involved. A lot.


21 years, 9 months ago

Not actually, look at the GBI system. it's the same way so, the feats are interchangable, the hard stuff is creating equipment. And if you dont like death to buster then once HP or whatever reaches 0 just have the guy knocked out, and leave it at that.