Help Save The Historic Ghostbusters Firehouse No. 23!!!

by firehouse23

15 years, 7 months ago

I am working on a project to save the Historic Firehouse No. 23. This is the location where the interior firehouse scenes from Ghostbusters I & II were filmed.

Many movies and TV shows like the A-Team, Firehouse, Big Trouble in Little China, Flatliners, National Security, RE(e)volution, Set It Off and The Mask all used the Historic Firehouse No 23 as one of its locations.

I promote a monthly event in this location and would like to help save and turn the Historic Firehouse No.23 into a State of the Art, Multi Media, Resource and Culture Center.

Please take the time to sign my petition, it will only take a few minutes of your time.

Thanking you all in advance.


FireHouse 23

by Kingpin

15 years, 7 months ago

Signed the petition earlier, as well as bought a copy of the historical guide.

You're not Daniel Taylor, but an acquaintance of his, correct?

How well do you recall the layout of the building? Mapping it has been a ambition of mine for the past several years, and attempts to contact him to get photographs or even sketches of the interior have been less than successful.

by lionheart1

15 years, 7 months ago

Signed! Good luck.

by firehouse23

15 years, 7 months ago

Thx for signing the petition. Every signature really helps…


by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

I'll pretend you guys didn't say that.
Hey KingPin…I'm ready to take those pic's whenever you are ready. At present I spend alot of time at the FireHouse 23…Just let me know…You said it will be very technical…I like technical…FH23

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you before today, the last few weeks have been unexpectedly busy.
These plans aren't the most recent, but they're currently more complete then the new set I've started. The regions in red are ones where I have a few photographs, but not enough to complete my understanding of the corresponding room, or a region that I have none at all.

Something I've only just noticed, is that I've forgotten to mark that other “square room” in red at the back of the Engine Bay in the first floor floorplan.

What I'm interested in getting, if it's not too much to ask, is a rough “turnaround” of the rooms. Like a 8-pointed star, photographing each wall face-on, and then each corner:

Of course this won't work with some of the larger rooms (like that long corridor on the third floor connecting the Captain's Quarters and that kitchen/lounge area near the back), and would also be unneccesary for some of the small spaces. One such small space is the elevator in the third floor, which I'm trying to work out if it is the same elevator on the ground floor, or if there are two separate elevators.

I can provide more detailed explanations for what I'm after, but I suspect the plans will give you an idea of where I am. The basement, I'm sure, has already told you how well or poorly informed I am, and is one of the spaces I'm eager to get photos of, as are the rear sections of the second and third floors.
I thank you for the help you're providing me with this project.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 6 months ago

I signed it, but I'm a little confused here. What is exactly happening to it? Are they tearing it down, or does it just need to be restored?

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

The petition is two-fold.

1) It helps to get the building some desperately-needed repairs, ranging from fixing the roof (which is still leaking as far as I'm aware), dealing with cracks in the walls of the tiled engine bay, and rebuilding the first floor facade which has partially collapsed.

2) The petition hopes to convince the Los Angeles City management to grant permission to turn Firestation 23 into a community/cultural center.

The building is listed, so there's no present danger of it being torn down, but being out of service for over 40 years and suffering various break ins, it needs fixing up. The effort will also help to restore the dedication plaque which shattered when the facade gave way.