here is a question for anyone

by drspengler3

17 years, 11 months ago

has anyone tried to make a real ghostbusters proton pack super soaker? feel free to respond (*egon)

by ecto_plasmic1

17 years, 11 months ago

ummm.. no I haven't. But it is possible to modify one with the carry on tank.

by SamG

17 years, 11 months ago

I had the idea of doing ours with silly string, but wont go well with the special effects so, meh.
If you make it, put LED's in the end so that the water lights up prange (or whatever colour you use) when you shoot

by therealproton12

17 years, 11 months ago


i did. it worked to the proton pack suplied the water and it just squirted out the gun part.just had to pump it up.
i sold it though

by secrecyguy

17 years, 11 months ago

Sam G
I had the idea of doing ours with silly string, but wont go well with the special effects so, meh.
If you make it, put LED's in the end so that the water lights up prange (or whatever colour you use) when you shoot

That sounds like a great idea!

by SamG

17 years, 11 months ago

Sam G
I had the idea of doing ours with silly string, but wont go well with the special effects so, meh.
If you make it, put LED's in the end so that the water lights up prange (or whatever colour you use) when you shoot

That sounds like a great idea!

The LED's in the end, or using silly string?

by secrecyguy

17 years, 11 months ago

Sam G
Sam G
I had the idea of doing ours with silly string, but wont go well with the special effects so, meh.
If you make it, put LED's in the end so that the water lights up prange (or whatever colour you use) when you shoot

That sounds like a great idea!

The LED's in the end, or using silly string?

Using the LED's in the end.

I was thinking about using silly string but than you can't make the pack very accurate and you have to do some searching around for a silly string that will work on your proton pack.

I may try that. Of course, the pack I am working on is not that accurate but I like to give it a try though.