Hey Ectoman...

by SavannahGB

23 years ago

What is the link to GotMaul's proof, of the 2 ecto's sitting beside each other? the Ecto-1 and Ecto-1a? Jesusfreak told me they were on your site, but i cant find them. Can you give me the link for them? thanks.

by ghostbusta27

23 years ago

go to his site, and click on the ecto1/ecto1a link at the almost top of his page, then its pretty straight foward from there, i accessed them withoiut a problem just now.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

My site is closed and is being relocated to a new pay-server. You can find more info at GBProps.com.

Please email me in the future.. Also.. here is that picture you wanted: Click Here!