Not dead yet, I haven't posted on a regular basis since ‘05 but checked in on the community a couple of times in 06 and 07… Sorry I missed 08 but as I’m sure you can all agree that was a pretty crazy year. Well the president is black, a new game is coming out, GBIII is actually on the horizon and of course Bo Holbrook is dead

what an exciting time! I must say this place is looking pretty spiffy, credit to Mr. Paulson and of course the Ghostbusting godfather Bill Emkow. I recognized a few of you while quickly browsing some of the boards… Sinister, Kingpin and Brendan Martins, I think that was your name… Glad to see a few of the old guys are still kicking around. Not sure if anybody remembers me or not, I was kind of a butt dook to some of you, though I think Bo had me beat; I still miss that guy though. Anyways I'm assuming that most of us “old timers” are now full fledged “adults” myself included; which is kind of weird… But hey, that's time for ya. Hope you're all doing well and are as excited as I am about all of these future prospects surrounding my still all time favorite movie franchise! I'm also glad to see all these new users keeping the ghosthead community strong as ever. I'm kind of sad to see that my moderator privileges have finally been rightfully stripped though lol. And hey you never know, with all these cool new things on the horizon, maybe I'll stick around for a little bit this time, no promises though.
I'll see you on the other side… 2010? - Shadow_weaveR