Hey Guys

by Slider_85

22 years ago

Whoa it's been a while!! I even forgot my password. lol wink .I just want to get everything clear:

1. When I gave Netsolo the files for GbDoom, he said he would get to it within the week.

2. My part of the deal ended when I finished giving him all the files.

3. This is not my fault in any way that he has not gotten to it yet. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. If I’m not mistaken, his site hasn't been updated in a while.

I put Gbdoom in “My Shared Folder” for Kazaa, so hopefully it will make its way around soon. It’s a zip file.

To give a little update, I’m still in the fleet, but now have a laptop for all my GB needs. Its cool to post here again, like I said it's been a while. Ill try and keep up with you guys as much as possible.

Take it easy,

Rob “slimer” Straff