hey mods where you at?

by slimerboy

22 years, 2 months ago

hey um ill try to be nice so i dont dont get kicked out or anything but what gives slimer jr the right to give me a 1 just becuase i used keymasters idea? wich was completly acidental until i saw his suit was the same one i had this guy needs to leave me alone and not acuse people of copying if he is gonna acuse me of copying he can acuse all you other people of copying the movie suits or proton packs. is there anything u mods can do? thanx


22 years, 2 months ago

I agree. The ratings system has become completely worthless since there are several people like that out there. Many people that never post and just are here for a week to give horrible ratings or people that sign up twice to do the same thing.

Meant as a way to get feedback and suggestions when you're making or building something, it has more or less degenerated into another childish opportunity to slam members of the community. Unfortunately right now, the only person that can remove things of that nature is Chad.

I think there are too many misuses of the rating system right now and the best thing to do is ignore it, because for the most part, it is no longer effective and should be given little consideration at all. Many of the worst ratings are given by members who have contributed nothing at all. There will sadly always be those people in the community(I hesitate to even call them members of the community) that are completely rude and ignorant.

by Kingpin

22 years, 2 months ago

My perosnal opinion is (and probably makes me a hypocrit) is that until people have submitted or contributed to the community, they have no righ to talk about props or fanfic. New members shouldn't be able to use the rating system until they've contributed something. The ratings fiasco has become a real problem.

by slimerboy

22 years, 2 months ago

see at least u agree

by ghostboy1

22 years, 2 months ago

i agree but to not let new members like myself is bad to because i am not her to be mean and give bad rateings i am here because i like Ghostbusters. U can not juge all new members because that would not be fair


22 years, 2 months ago

If its any reassurance, in GBN 2.0, moderators will have the ability to correct this and other problems. We will be able to…

-edit ratings
-edit profile info/profile pics
-edit signatures/signature pics

Profile and signatures can be edited for objectionable/offensive material or unreasonable length(for signatures) I can guarantee you personally, I can't wait to right some of the wrongs around here.

by GBFreak

22 years, 2 months ago

Well I'm glad the mods with atleast get a little more power with GB 2.0 I stil think they could use a wee bit more power, but then again I also want private messages to the mods so they can be contacted easier smile