hilarious scenes or quotes from "The Real Ghostbusters&

by MissRGB

19 years, 4 months ago

I've been watching some of the Real Ghostbusters I had taped years ago (I'm so glad I never taped over them!) and I was watching “Mrs. Rogers Neighboorhood” the other day. Anyway in the scene where they believe the demon “What” is in the closet, Peter says “There isn't anything in here but… Mrs. Roger's Dress.” To which Egon replies, “It's driving the needle right off the top of the scale!” (referring to the PKE meter). Then Ray says “You don't think…. Mrs. Roger's dress is What?” Well, that just struck me as so hilarious! I must have laughed about five minutes over that. :-) (^_^)

Anyone else have a favorite hilarious scene or qutoe from a particular “Real Ghostbusters” episode?

by JerseyDevil

19 years, 4 months ago

I think that dialogue was a homage to the Abbot & Costello's routine Who's on First? :-) So many good lines, so little time

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 7 months ago

I liked it in the episode The thing in Mrs. Favesham's attic when…
Egon: Maybe the noise was physical in origin. Squirrels on the roof perhaps.
Peter: (after the ceiling starts shaking) Squirrels, Egon!?
Also in the episode The revenge of Murray the Mantis…
Peter: It means that if Darth Vader is willing to loan us the deathstar that we might have a chance. Might.
Also in that episode
Peter to Slimer: Remember that refridgerator you've been wanting? Ice Cream delivered to the door everyday? A crate of Donuts? And a Diner's Club Card?
Also my signature which is from the episode Lost and Foundry.

by Zombie

14 years, 7 months ago

This line from the beauty parlour employee in Flip Side: “If I do another head I'll live”

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 7 months ago

Actually I take back what I said about my sig. It is a little funny but it's also very mean.

by incrediblehunk

14 years, 1 month ago

some kind of talks make a different touch in your feeling. here i got same like that. so thanks for this one.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years ago

From slimer come home,
as slimer presses himself against the glass of the sweet shop and says “bye cookies” cracks me up every time

by heslimedme251

14 years ago

From Ghostbusters in Paris.
Peter: “Ray, you ever see attack of the killer zombies?”
Ray: “No!”
Peter: “Well, I think you're about to!”

Also, a few lines from The Devil to Pay.
Winston: “I have sold my soul to the devil. I have sold my soul to the devil.”
Ray: “Actually Winston, Dib is a minor demon not the Devil per say!”
Winston: “I have sold my soul to a minor demon! I have sold my soul a minor demon!”

Also when Ray is asked for one other name for the Devil and reels off a list of them. That always cracks me up!

by IgnatzKaspir

14 years ago

No particular scenes or lines come to mind, but the whole episode “adventures in slime and space” had me in tears laughing, no kidding. It was just so ridiculous and out there that I couldn't help but laugh about so much of it. IIRC it was meant as an episode with lots of different movie references, but I didn't get any of the references and still found it hilarious.