Home Alone 1 better than Home Alone 2!

by Ecto-2009

15 years, 8 months ago

I think Home Alone 1 was better but the could be a lot more funnier if the do remake.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 8 months ago

While I agree it's funnier, and I don't agree with a remake! Seriously, NO MORE REMAKES!

by Ecto-2009

15 years, 8 months ago

Home Alone in this timeline is a improvement because they can focus on new things.
Seriously Hollywood loves remakes. They are running out of ideas.
Home Alone start to looks dated and if we updating/re-imagining of the classic Home Alone 1 it will be a lot better.
There also was a videogame on the PS2 and that is a newer generation console.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

Home Alone in this timeline is a improvement because they can focus on new things.

They tried that with each film after Home Alone 2 and none of them could compare. The Home Alone series should have stuck with the original and Lost in New York.

if we updating/re-imagining of the classic Home Alone 1 it will be a lot better.

How? The original is excellent, and doesnt need any improvement, nor does the sequel.

by Ecto-2009

15 years, 8 months ago

They tried that with each film after Home Alone 2 and none of them could compare. The Home Alone series should have stuck with the original and Lost in New York.

The sequal was bad but the orginal was funnier in anyway possible. The sequal hasn't anything that makes it a classic.

How? The original is excellent, and doesnt need any improvement, nor does the sequel.

I don't think so. It is only a matter of time. They will remade Home Alone in a faster way like the did with Star Trek Rebooted.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

It's not really the same thing. The Home Alone series doesn't need to progress any further, whereas it can be argued that Star Trek has been in need of a kick-start for a while… being a 40+ year old property compared to the other which isn't even 20 years old.

It was proven through Home Alone 3 and Home Alone 4 that the franchise should've stuck at two films.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 8 months ago

Seriously Hollywood loves remakes. They are running out of ideas.

Wait, what? Are you saying that them running out of ideas is a good thing? I'm not really sure where you're getting the Hollywood loves remakes thing from, because most of the original creators, don't seem to like the idea of someone remaking their film. Wes Craven doesn't like the idea of them remaking Nightmare on Elm Street.

Running out of ideas isn't really a good thing. So in turn, if they run out of ideas, just reuse old ideas and make them modern? That's not very original. Hollywood use to be original, but not anymore.

There really is no reason to remake Home Alone. The last two sequels were bad enough.

There also was a videogame on the PS2 and that is a newer generation console.

That doesn't justify remaking the film. Besides, from what I've read, the game was a pretty bad.

by Ecto-2009

15 years, 8 months ago

Weren't Home Alone 3 and 4 STV releases.
Still Home Alone feels dated.
In 2008 there was a rumor that Home Alone would be remade.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

Still Home Alone feels dated

Only a little, and not in such a way that is detrimental to the film. If we were to argue semantics, Ghostbusters is far more dated.

by Ecto-2009

15 years, 8 months ago

Only a little, and not in such a way that is detrimental to the film. If we were to argue semantics, Ghostbusters is far more dated.

Only the special effects were outdated and the haircuts and the music. Not the story.