Horror Movies

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 1 month ago

i saw they live on tv last october. kinda interesting actually. i actually liked that one.

interesting sunglasses! they aliens looked like skeleton robots though…lol.

by gbray1

21 years, 1 month ago

They Live!

oops sorry sparks

by pf4eva1

21 years, 1 month ago

I love horror movies. I mostly love the ones that cut down on gore and give us suspense and an original storyline:

Halloween (1-2, 4, 6-7; I haven't seen Resurrection yet)
Friday the 13th (w/Jason)
Nightmare on Elms Street 1
Scream 1

I really wanna see Freddy vs. Jason; I even put it on my Xmas list this year. I didn't see it in theaters… (;_

My favorite of those horror films is probably Halloween, because not only could Donald Pleasence act, but Michael could kick some butt!

by Ectoslimeguy49

21 years, 1 month ago

Don't see Ressurection…it will just ruin everything.

I must say that I'm a fan of the more Psychological Horror movies. Such as The First Nightmare on Elm Street and A New Nightmare. Listen Freddy Krueger is the most sick demented SOB ever created in horror movie land, the man can freak your mind out so bad its not funny. Her plays games with his victims and has a sense of humor while doing it, that's what makes the nightmare movies so appealing.

I'm also a fan of classic Hitchcock films, like Psycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, etc.. Some of you may not consider those horror films but back in the day they were.

And who can forget Evil Dead. One of the most visually appealing horror movies, full of gore, horror, and it was just a damn good movie.


by Suspiria

21 years, 1 month ago

Horror is quite possibly my favorite genre of movies. Here's the list of my favorites….

1) The Exorcist-I don't care what anybody says, I still find it terrifying!
2) The Shining-insanely creepy and literally crazy!
3) Night of the Living Dead-the 1968 version, black and white, absolutely bone-chilling.
4) Phantasm-nightmarish, and I adore the music!
5) Carnival of Souls-very eerie, with no blood.
6) Suspiria-the Italian bloodbath that I named my username after. Very cool and very scary.
7) Dawn of the Dead-really gory, but I like it.
8) Nightmare on Elm Street-only this one is good though-none of the sequels in my opinion can live up to it.
9) Halloween-come on! It's the original slasher movie!
10) Wait Until Dark-more of a thriller, but definitely spine-tingling towards the end.
11) Alien-while technically a science fiction movie, I recently saw this is the movie theatre and it blew my mind!

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 1 month ago

I'm also a fan of classic Hitchcock films, like Psycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, etc.. Some of you may not consider those horror films but back in the day they were.


Actually other than the 1963 version of The Haunting, the Hitchcock films you mentioned are indeed horror films. Their not the gruesome, gorey (although Frenzy might be the one exception because there's a pretty graphic rape scene (sorry if that offended anyone) in it from what I remember when I saw it) horror films that I stay away from, but more along the lines of the Psychological horror films like you mentioned.

by Dr.KyleStevens

21 years, 1 month ago

Here's some that I own and I have a few to still get to me, aswell.

The Howling part 1
Dracula 2000
Dracula: The Dark Prince
Dusk till Dawn
Jason X
The Wolfman
Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman
Ghostbuster 1&2 :p
Dracual Dead and Loving it,…not scary but it does have the name Dracula in it :-)
Blade 1&2
Scream part 1
Dog Soldiers
Stephen King's It
Salom's Lot
Queen of the Damned
Sleepy Hollow
Shadow of the vampire
The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari
Beetlejuice, not scary
Stage Ghost
Ghosts of Mars
The Evil Dead.
I own all of these above.

Motel Hell
The Beast within
The Fly 1&2
Beyond Reality
The Tommyknokers
Pet Semitary
Silence of the lambs
Red Dragon
Nightmare of Elm Street
Friday the 13th
I spit on your grave
Make them die slowly
From Hell
The Hunger
Night o the Living Dead
Return of the Living dead

:-) any movie starring the Jacksons or Michael Jackson, Gugli, and From Harry to Jessica (^_^)

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 1 month ago

interview with the vampire is 50x better than the SEQUEL queen of the damned.

its got lestat, louis and claudia (the child vampire that never can grow up)


village of the damned is a great flick too.

::puts on platinum wig and really freaky contacts and stares::

by TheIceyOne

21 years, 1 month ago

The only one I've really watched a few times was the original Night of the Living Dead.. not to big on horror, but it's fun to watch occassionaly.

by mrsspengler

21 years ago

My personal favorites are…

1)A Nightmare of Elm Street (All 7)
2)Thirteen Ghosts(the family sucked, but the ghosts rocked!)
3)The Sixth Sense(changed the face of horror forever)
4)Creepshow(the first one was great, the second wasn't very good)
5)Hellraiser 1-3(for those who haven't seen the ones that came after… please don't)
6)Trilogy of Terror(this movie stems back to my childhood. I was so scared of that Zuni doll) (*_*)
7)The Blair Witch Project(that movie took on a life of its own. People to this day still believe that was real) (^_^)
8)An American Werewolf In London(also from my childhood. Rick Baker is a god)
9)Pretty much any movie by Stephen King(also a god)
10)The Ring(loved it, loved it, LOVED IT!)
11)The Exorcist(remains a classic)
12)Night of the Living Dead(broke new ground in its day)
13)The Evil Dead Trilogy(I LOOOOVE ASH!!)
14)Poltergeist(definitely in my Top 10)
15)The Howling( (*rant) To all the writers out there, this is a perfect example of what NOT to do with your story ideas. The first “Howling” movie was great. Who can forget that famous scene where Dee Wallace turns into a werewolf on the 9:00 news. The legacy of this classic is so sad and disturbing. From what I hear(and correct me if I'm wrong), the rights of the film were sold to a production company years ago and tragically, the company went out of business and every idea and movie right they own is now kind of out there in space. Since, no one really owns the rights to it anymore, this is why you see these horrific “Howling” sequels floating around being made by anyone who owns a typewriter.) :@
16)The Omen Trilogy
17)The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(really creepy family) ;)
18)The Thing(I still get nightmares about that one!)

I will probably finish this at a later date. It's 3:00 in the morning and I'm too tired to think properly. See you guys tomorrow. :)
