Horror Movies

by Zedd

19 years ago

c'mon somebody must have seen hostel!!…Ohhhh I can't wait until next week when I can see it!!!

by gbray1

19 years ago

if you guys love horror then you'll love this site


by Zedd

19 years ago

aww TBS is the only channel out of all of those that I get and they're playing crap!

by MasterSpider

19 years ago

I HATE ALL UNDEAD MOVIES! I hate it, hate it, hate it! Frankeinstein doesn't do the same effect, weird. I hate those human eater. Undead movies give me nightmare. But it's also the stupiest idea they ever made: if they eat human flesh, then why they don't eat eachother when they see themself coming out from the grave????

Paragraph of the Century Award

by newrecruit1

19 years ago

Thank you, thank you,
I would now like to thank all of my… :p

by Jubilex

19 years ago

1-Deep Red (Profondo Rosso)
4-The Exorcist
5-The Exorcist 3 ( Remember the hallway scene? )

by Zedd

19 years ago

-Deep Red (Profondo Rosso)
4-The Exorcist
5-The Exorcist 3 ( Remember the hallway scene? )

An Argento fan huh? I like his stuff. The colours in his movie are usually really vibrant!

by Jubilex

19 years ago

Dario Argento RULEZ.

Nuff said.

The hospital hallway scene in William Peter Blatty's Exorcist 3 (Legion) is the scariest scene in movie history. The film is also the most under-rated horror film ever made. The reason is because the second film of the series, Exorcist 2 (Heretic) SUCKED BALLZ. So most people dismissed the 3rd installment as another trashfest. Those people don't know what they missed.

by Zedd

19 years ago

You know I haven't seen the third one in ages! I should rent it again though. And you're right I think because the second one was just so maggotty bad people didn't even wanna try the third one. But its always hit or miss with horror ya know?

by Egons_girlfriend24

19 years ago

All great movies! I am also a great horror fan. My favorites are the Halloween movies and Friday the 13th series except for Jason X, It was just too much. And what I mean by that was it had too many special effects. The time frame was off what 400 years. It just messed up the entire friday the 13th series in my eyes. Specking of halloween I didn't like that they killed off Jamie Lee Curtis in halloween Resurection. The movie was good. but to me they messed up the entire story line. I thought Busta Rymes was good and along with Tyra Banks. And the rest of the actors were great. But the way they killed michael and story of the Resurection wasn't all that good.

So sad Debra hill is gone.. She was a great writer and producer
My Favorite Horror Films

Halloween 1 &2
Rose Red (2002)
The Shinning (1980)
Stephen King's IT (1990) Tim Curry Rocks!
Maxium overdrive
Children of the corn 1,2,3,6
The Mangler (1995)
Puppet Master 5
Child's Play 1-3
Demonic Toys
American Psycho (Matt Ross & Christian Bale :-) )
The Exorcist 1,3, The Begining

ROSLEE (*egon) (*janine) (*rant)