
by Twister

22 years, 11 months ago

k, Remember how on Ghostbusters II Louis said “I don't know why beautiful women love horses so much.” Well, I wanna see if that's true, are there any other girls out there besides me that loves horses (and no, I am not calling myself beautiful) Or do you guys out there agree with Louis?

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 11 months ago

I've never had a girlfriend, even though I'm 21…..I work and study too much for one…..aside from that…..I have no clue how to answer that. I have too little info to make an accurate analysis.

by Hockeyman728

22 years, 11 months ago

You must have one hell of a grip vincent.

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 11 months ago

If you are reffering to a kung-fu grip, then yes. If you are saying that I spend the majority of my freetime “pleasuring myself,” then NO.