Hose 'em. With which one?

by JimPhelps

15 years, 11 months ago

Ok, yet another proton pack question. This time,…the hose for the thrower. Originally when i built mine, the best hose i could find was a 1 inch diameter ridged vaccum hose that I bought from Sears. Now, in going around finding new parts for my improved pack, I found what I think they called a 3/4 inch bilge and drainwater hose that looks just like the ones on the guys pack. One prob though, they are clear white. The bad thing about the hose I already have is that one inch hose just looks WAY big compared to the real ones.

Now my question…

Is it better to just get that clear hose and paint it black for the pack? Im worried about paint chipping and with all that abuse…etc. Or does someone have a better idea about where to find a good hose? Ive been to Lowes, Home Depot, ACE, Wal-mart, Target (now that I think about it I haven't checked Sears again) and they all have the same clear hose that needs to be painted. Apparently it isn't available in black.

by ajquick1

15 years, 11 months ago

Paint will flake off.

You should be able to find it at Radio Shack or Ace hardware.

I also sell it at GBFans.com

by JimPhelps

15 years, 11 months ago

any particular name of that kinda hose to ask for at Radioshack? I wouldn't have thought to ask them for a hose. I wouldn't think they would even carry them.

by ajquick1

15 years, 11 months ago

Split loom.

by JimPhelps

15 years, 11 months ago

Thats the kinda hard cable isn't it? I was under the impression it needs to be more of a plastic vaccum hose or some hard rubber. This is metal. This split loom i mean. It seems like its too hard to be a hose for the pack. Or does the look outweigh that? I really don't know and thats why Im asking. Im trying to make it look close to real but mine defintely won't win any looks just like the real thing contests.

by TyFire

15 years, 11 months ago

Thats the kinda hard cable isn't it? I was under the impression it needs to be more of a plastic vaccum hose or some hard rubber. This is metal. This split loom i mean. It seems like its too hard to be a hose for the pack. Or does the look outweigh that? I really don't know and thats why Im asking. Im trying to make it look close to real but mine defintely won't win any looks just like the real thing contests.

Now my question…

Is it better to just get that clear hose and paint it black for the pack? Im worried about paint chipping and with all that abuse…etc. Or does someone have a better idea about where to find a good hose? Ive been to Lowes, Home Depot, ACE, Wal-mart, Target (now that I think about it I haven't checked Sears again) and they all have the same clear hose that needs to be painted. Apparently it isn't available in black.

1. The Split Loom is a very flexible hose, its called split loom cause it’s a back ribbed hose with a split in it to put wires in there with ease for protection. Also you would need to find it in 3/4in, it’s the same size and hose they used for the packs in Ghostbusters.

2. You can use the clear hose you found, just try to paint the inside of it. That way it won’t flake.

3. The first time I built my pack I found some black ribbed hose over at home depot, it was for pools and stuff like that. I found in the gardening part outside. The only down fall was it was stiff as hell, over time it loosened up, but not that much. Then I found the accurate split loom.

Hope that helps, also if you decide to make another prop. Join GBfans.com, still the best and only place for Ghostbuster props.

by JimPhelps

15 years, 11 months ago

Hey, that split loom was a good call. The jerk who helped me at ACE hardware showed me some hard ass metal cable that was not the same as what you guys were talking about. But now that I got the right one, my pack looks about 40% better than it did before with that oversized vaccum cleaner hose. Thanks the help on that guys.