Hot Wheels 1:64 2010 New Models GHOSTBUSTERS ECTO-1

by Humvvee

14 years, 8 months ago

Here are my hotwheels ecto's so far…

Here is the US card version:

Here is the international card version (note the extra warning on the front in french and the right hand side- different release # and series name)

There is also a “snowflake” version that was only available from Target stores during the winter that has snowflakes on the cardboard- the ecto 1 is exactly the same. There is also a “short card” version which is the same car on a card that is 1/2 the size. Those were and are being found at Walmart stores in the checkout isles by gift cards and in other countries.

Quite a few have been found without the ghostbusters logo on the passenger door. Seems like a batch might have gone through without getting the tampo stamped on.

by BigMac

14 years, 8 months ago

I just got mine today. The box is in great shape, and it's the only one I have as of now, so I guess I'll leave it in the box.

I must say that it looks better in person. I'm very satisfied. Of course the roof rack is all black, and the light bars are all blue, but the car itself looks really stunning. The no ghost logos are so sharp, the front grill looks great, and the red trim on the fins is perfect.

Hot Wheels gets a 5/5 stars from me on this one.

On a final note, after seeing just how small the roof rack is, I'm impressed with the custom paint jobs some people have done on their ECTO-1s.

by Bativac

14 years, 8 months ago

Man I have been looking for one of these for months with no luck. I've checked Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart…

Anybody else in the Jacksonville, FL area (or anyplace in NE Florida) having any luck finding these?

by Humvvee

14 years, 8 months ago

Man I have been looking for one of these for months with no luck. I've checked Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart…

Anybody else in the Jacksonville, FL area (or anyplace in NE Florida) having any luck finding these?

It doesn't seem to be by region. These are coming 1 to a case (a case is 72 cars.) The average store might go through a handful of cases a week. The hotwheels guys know to look for them (myself included) so they go quickly. I've found some in stores, but have traded for most that I have.

Thankfully the price of them on the secondary market seems to be dropping… so collectors may start leaving them. If you haven't found one by the end of the week, send me a PM and I'll help you out :-)

by Swift_Justice

14 years, 7 months ago

Finally found one in a south-western Ontario Wal-Mart.

Pretty good looking for a Hot Wheels toy.

All I can say is don't give up. Hopefully you will get lucky in finding one soon.

by KWilliams

14 years, 6 months ago

Oddly, the two I found (one to keep and one to play with–I mean: DISPLAY!) were found in a local grocery store of all places! I need one more to send to a GB pal of mine in Buffalo.

by BigMac

14 years, 6 months ago

The one I received was also from a grocery store. I hope to find myself a second one before they stop being sold.

by DkiDClue

14 years, 6 months ago

The one I received was also from a grocery store. I hope to find myself a second one before they stop being sold.

these will be sold for a long time , best selling hotwheel in 2010

i have one for sale if anyone is looking to buy now

by BigMac

14 years, 6 months ago

Hey HWC Members,

We're planning on having Ecto 1 out there most of the year but the quantities will not be very high - I'd be surprised if you found them on shelf in an abundance of quantities. It is also very unlikely that the Ecto 1 will then ever make a return to the $1.00 basic car line.

I read this awhile back and came to the assumption that the car would only be in stores during 2010. I haven't heard otherwise, but are there plans to continue selling these?

But it only says, “We're planning”. So who knows, This may have been only said so the Hot Wheels collectors would become more anxious to get their hands on the car.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 6 months ago

I can't believe it! I went to TRU last night to pick up another Ray Slime Blower minimate pack and I figured, what the heck, I'll check the hot wheels. I found 2 Ectos!! First ones at all I've actually found in a store.