Hot Wheels 1:64 2010 New Models GHOSTBUSTERS ECTO-1

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years ago

I'll admit - I'm looking forward to adding this to my collection. A GB collectible for under a buck that I will, in all honesty, probably play with as if I were still a child.

by batman2

15 years ago

I like my Ghostbusters merchandise like the next person, but after purchasing my Ertl 1/21 Scale Ghostbusters Model Car Ecto 1 I would not want another inferior model no matter how cheap it was.

by jay_tigran1

15 years ago

seriously? you expect 100% reproduction on a Hot Wheels 1:64th scale car?


we're lucky it has 2 paint apps on it :p

by batman2

15 years ago

Nope, just don't understand how people can be so excited by this Hot Wheels toy, it looks so cheap and tacky. (*egon)

by jay_tigran1

15 years ago

oh come off it…

personally I think we're lucky to be getting anything at all what with the chance GB3 is not happening and how used to getting nothing we as GB fans are

by Kingpin

15 years ago

A bit more proof that we as a community have been spoiled rotten.

Sure it's cheap and in some people's eyes, inaccurate. I view it as cheap and cheerful, and disposable if damaged… and as easily replaceable.

by jay_tigran1

15 years ago

thank you Kingy, I couldn't have put it better.

by Cosmic-Riptide

15 years ago

I like my Ghostbusters merchandise like the next person, but after purchasing my Ertl 1/21 Scale Ghostbusters Model Car Ecto 1 I would not want another inferior model no matter how cheap it was.

Haha, I guess we are of completely opposite minds then…

Because I absolutely cannot stand the 1/21 die-cast (not trying to be facetious, I actually do hate the thing).

by jay_tigran1

15 years ago

Haha, I guess we are of completely opposite minds then…

Because I absolutely cannot stand the 1/21 die-cast (not trying to be facetious, I actually do hate the thing).

I'm pretty sure that's what batman2 was trying to say, that it was “so shotty” that he can't handle paying for another “inferior” product

Does anyone remember the RGB Ecto-1 toy? It was so innacurate from the Ecto it must have made you people cry.

Why can't you people just say “Yay! They're acknowledging our fanbase!” and live with it?

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years ago

It might be inaccurate - but it is officially licensed. So that's good enough for me. Personally, I think this looks a lot more like Ecto 1 than any of the incarnations in the IDW comic books. (yes I know there's an issue with the caddy trademark, etc, I'm just pointing it out).

Plus, I think as Troy pointed out in one of his private sector columns, the only reason we can point out all the inaccuracies now are because of the DVD/Blu-Ray/High Def modes that we can now pour over to our geeky heart's content. Before that, VHS transfers wouldn't have provided near the detail to work off of. (Case in point - how far we've come with making “screen accurate” proton pack props. Also each is slightly different from one another anyway).

Either way, to each his own. I plan to pick up several of these. If it's not your thing, that's fine too. I can see why people would want to save for the Mattel Figures or possibly a mini-mates Ecto down the line.

I will say I'm glad they didn't plaster the whole side of the car with letter of “Ghostbusters” or “Ecto 1” the way that they messed up KITT when Matchbox released it. (I don't remember if it said “Knight Rider” or “Knight 2000” but one of those was plastered in red letters long the side of KITT. Sure that's the way the original toy line was released, but I don't know why they put it on a new, totally separete release of the car.)

Also, I'm looking forward to this because of the justice Hot Wheels did to the Back to the Future DeLorean. It was originally released by Johnny Lightening (same group that did the Ecto 1A back in 1997). The JL delorean was nice but wasn't exceptionally accurate. Hot Wheels later re-released it (all 3 different movie versions - though I only have the first) in a character wheels Japan series. It was absolutely gorgeous. That Japanese series also saw a re-release of KITT and KARR which was far superior to the Matchbox version. Granted this is a “main line” car so it probably won't be as detailed as those Chara-Wheel releases, but I'll bet it's going to look pretty darn good.

Just my 2 cents that nobody asked for.