Hot Wheels 1:64 2010 New Models GHOSTBUSTERS ECTO-1

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years ago

**tosses a huge golf umbrella to GhstbstrLMLIII**

A shield for you.

Thanks, Nix! Ha Ha Suckers!

Well, a Target, Wal-mart, and Toys-r-us later, still nothing here. I've found a bunch of deloreans though.

by BigMac

15 years ago

I hate too how there are lots of little kids who will pick out a rare Hot Wheels car, then play with it for a day or two and damage it, then never care about it again. All the while, real collectors, who would appreciate the car are missing out on the chance of getting hold of it.

by BigMac

15 years ago

I hate how there are lots of little kids who will pick out a rare Hot Wheels car, then play with it for a day or two and damage it, then never care about it again. All the while, real collectors, who would appreciate the car are missing out on the chance of getting hold of it.

by Kingpin

15 years ago

I hate too how there are lots of little kids who will pick out a rare Hot Wheels car, then play with it for a day or two and damage it, then never care about it again. All the while, real collectors, who would appreciate the car are missing out on the chance of getting hold of it.

Heh, this is kinda amusingly ironic… because keeping in mind some of the collectors out there, the five minutes of play before destruction would give the car in question more love than decades of being kept ‘in mint condition’ by said collector.

The best collector for toys is someone who appreciates them as both a plaything and as a symbol of their childhood, but also respects them enough so they don't get broken.

Just a thought, not directed at anyone in particular.

by Ectoman57

15 years ago

I hate too how there are lots of little kids who will pick out a rare Hot Wheels car, then play with it for a day or two and damage it, then never care about it again. All the while, real collectors, who would appreciate the car are missing out on the chance of getting hold of it.

Now see I have NO PROBLEM when a kid buys a TOY. thats what they are meant for, then collecters. Its when adults ruin them that it ticks me off. I know the next time i go to a toy show ill see 2000 of these at 20$ a pop and they can keep them i look everyday on my way to work/school and If i find 2 ill be happy

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years ago

Heh, this is kinda amusingly ironic… because keeping in mind some of the collectors out there, the five minutes of play before destruction would give the car in question more love than decades of being kept ‘in mint condition’ by said collector.

“Toy Story 2” hit the nail on the head with Ben's opinion.

by BigMac

15 years ago

hmm… I don't think I see the irony. All I know is that when I was very little I'd play too rough with my toy cars, therefore, damaging them. As I got a little older, I became self-aware of my actions, and realized how foolish it was to damage them. I played gentle with my cars from that point on. Though I still kick myself for the damage I brought upon my childhood toys.

I think this coming Saturday I'll go to the nearest Super Center Wal-Mart to check for the car. I know they have a HUGE selection there, though more customers as well. So if they do have these, they might be sold out before I even arrive. I still think about calling the stores and asking to speak with someone in the toys department about this.

by Ecto-Collector

15 years ago

I know the next time i go to a toy show ill see 2000 of these at 20$ a pop and they can keep them i look everyday on my way to work/school and If i find 2 ill be happy

Sounds like you are mad about not finding Trea$ure Hunt$.

by Ectoman57

15 years ago

Sounds like you are mad about not finding Trea$ure Hunt$.

I dont collect hotwheels, but the toylines i do collect allow me to unfortunatly deal with HW collecters.

by gbusterchick68841

15 years ago

I used to collect Hotwheels and the like when I was a kid. I still have a box full of them. I seriously didn't know anything about the Ecto-1 was coming out…I do though have the Ecto-1 Hallmark ornament that plays part of the GB theme…
I agree the Hotwheels Ecto does lack some detail and I think they should have modeled of of the Hallmark ornament somewhat (look at the attatched file) ….but I, now will be looking out for the Hotwheels Ecto.