How about a Half-Life 2 Ghostbusters Mod?

by jinks1138

19 years, 9 months ago

This is an idea that has been at the back of my mind for a little while and wanted to ask other people.

How viable do you think the idea of a Ghostbusters Mod of Half-Life 2 would be and what would you like to see in it?

The physics objects could work very nicely (poltergeists throwing them around and stuff) and it might be possible to mod the gravity gun to work as a proton gun that grabs ghosts (rather then all physics objects).

An interesting way to do the ghost trapping system would have to worked out and other weapons that could be used. The game could center more on investigating haunting and tracking down ghost in a free roaming level rather then constant shooting and trapping through a linear level.

The PKE meter and goggles could also be used to provide different views and/or information.

Like I said this is just an idea I thought I would throw out and see what people think but I am a level designer by trade so if anyone was actually interested in doing such a project I'd be game.

Feel free to come up with your own ideas and disagree with my own. I always like to see what other peoples opinions on an idea is.

by wingsnut25

19 years, 9 months ago

I like it alot, and supposidly they have some really nice mod development tools for the Source (Half Life 2 Engine) now you just need to find some expierience source modders…

by DirtBiker

19 years, 9 months ago

great idea. i've been thinking of what game would make a good ghostbusters mod. that game would be cool, like you said using physics with ghosts and the gravity gun ( what better weapon?). i be down. but yeah the only problem is you would have to get someone who knows c++ ( not me).

by DirtBiker

19 years, 9 months ago

just as i said that i found a listing for a HL2, ghostbusters mod.

sounds pretty cool but no website.

by CrossingtheStreams

19 years, 9 months ago

that looks like it was pretty much ditched…mi/summer 2004? haha

by chainsawmassacre

17 years, 6 months ago

i wish this would've happened