How about a petition for... publication of Dan's Script!!!

by MyMaster

22 years ago

Guys, guys, guys. I have an idea. Everybody talks about Dan Aykroyd's GB3 script. By now many fake GB3 are on the Internet. Many people claim they read it…

Shouldn't we do something about it???

How about we will write a petition to Dan and ask him to publish this script in a form of a book???!!!

Wouldn't be great to get a professionally published Hellbent's script (maybe with some illustrations and new photos of the old cast in uniforms)???

I'm sure other propriety owners (Reitman, Murray) would agree for it!

It wouldn't delete chances for the making of the movie, because we would ask him to publish The First Draft - and as we know - Harold Ramis (with additional Dan's work) changed it heavily…

We would be happy. Dan would earn some cash and - more important - it would boost up his spirit. Good selling of such a book would generate a REAL interest in making the third movie.

What do You think???


by Ghostbusters213

22 years ago

Sounds good, it will bring so many chances to GB3… but… will Aykroyd agree?

by river_of_slime

22 years ago

I say no b/c u never know Sony could change there minds and do GB3

by MyMaster

22 years ago

As I said publication of the first draft won't ruin the chances of making the movie.

To the contrary it will increase chances for that if there will be big interest about the script.

At this point GB3 is dead (all those “my dad works for sony and he heard when he was playingin gentlemen room” are bullcrap).

The first draft is over 3 years old now. Actually some kind of the movement about it (like publication) would be a revival for it!


by Vinz_Clortho

22 years ago

Great idea MyMaster!

by jewy

22 years ago

im in :s

by MyMaster

22 years ago

If anyone agree with the idea, please post Your message here. I'll print this topic and give/forward it to Dan's publicist.


by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

this isnt a new Idea… people have been asking for a GB3 novel based on Dans script or not.

by Zack

22 years ago

I heard someone say it in another thread as far as Ghostbusters being a very visual movie though I'm sure I'd read it if it was released of course, who wouldn't? I don't know if it could come across in quite the same way and have the same impact as a movie. Maybe Dan has considered that at some point but is going for the big one. All or nothing type thing.

Dan Aykroyd seems to have had images in his mind of exactly what this movie should be going on several years now. He seemed determined for everyone to see his vision. His vision of what GB3 should be has always sounded really huge and larger than life! A grand finale that would of course require spectacular sets/costumes/props/creatures/special visual effects/music/sounds etc. so I don't know if anything short of the big screen could work as well. Imagine reading the RGB episode “Knock Knock” and not being able to see what the guys are seeing.

If I were him and wanted to end the Ghostbusters saga, I wouldn't want to see two movies and then the third part of my trilogy to be having to read something. lol I dunno. I really like the idea though of being able to read it if it never will see the light of day. The movie seems to have more of a chance of being done wrong and its mega failure would publically humiliate Ghostbusters while a book would probably go unnoticed. So basically, I don't know what I'm trying to


by WayneW.

22 years ago

It'll never work. Period. The end. A petition is just another form of annoiance for Sony, they hate Ghostbusters and they hate us. The End