How about a petition for... publication of Dan's Script!!!
by Proton_User
22 years ago
i dont think they hate us!! after all who are the people to buy the merchandise? US. who buy the films? US. anyone else think they hate us?? cause they dont we make these companies richer everyday think about it!
by MyMaster
22 years ago
Actually it can work because of reasons I cannot reveal more here at this moment. Let's say there's a medicore chance for publication - if there will be more positve posts and less negative/without any sense posts like Wayne's.
22 years ago
It wouldnt work.
by MyMaster
22 years ago
Hi GBVA!!!
Can You explain why do You think it wouldn't work? I'm so curious why are You so sure about it? No offense but I bet You even don't now the phone number and e-mail to Dan's publicist (which btw I have), but You are so sure about it. “It wouldn't work” (Your creative side has spoken or what)…. Maybe You got a palantir LOL
I don't want to cross the streams here, but it really makes me said when so much negative energy is around…Slime Time…
by Shadow_weaveR
22 years ago
so you have the phone number and email of dans publicist… so what? does that mean that GB3 the novel is a good Idea and will be successful? In short no.
by Ghostbuster_D
22 years ago
I know it won't hurt. But why do you think that the final script in novel form would stop the chances of there being a movie? If anything I'd think it'd be backwards. People would want a movie about a book because they like the book. And if that book was the first draft of GB3, then the movie they'd want would be of the first draft of GB3.
And river_of_slime, what you said doesn't really make sense. How would sony changing their mind and making GB3 make it unlikely for a book to be published?
by MyMaster
22 years ago
Shadow_weaveR If You don't like the idea, You should say why You don't like it. Otherwise is just one angry “blah-blah-blah”.
by evil_toaster
22 years ago
Well, the original script for GB2 is out and it is out everywhere. Now I don't know if they are all legitimate, but I'm sure that it wouldn't be a huge deal if the Hellbent script was published. Besides, River of Slime, not to be a pessimist, but it's highly doubtful that GB3 will be made.
by kyleogb1983
22 years ago
I think the Petitions for GB3 have been done to death at this site, not that I have a problem with that but GB3 wont be made anytime soon but I beleive that its till has a chance of being made but we all just have to wait and be patient.
by DocRyedale
22 years ago
I don't think a petition would be all that good of an idea. They may feel rushed and get frusterated, and they'll either give us a crappy GB III or get angry and say NO all together…