How about a petition for... publication of Dan's Script!!!

by MyMaster

22 years ago

I think that petition would show how many people really cares about GB. “Waiting” policy will lead to a death of the frenchise.
The real problem with GB is that the fanbase is shrinking every year and more and more people are getting bitter abou it. Have any of you saw Shawshank Redemption??? Remember this guy who was sending letters for years and finally got what he wanted.
Current status of GB3 is… dead project. The publication of the script couldn't do any more damage because it is dead anyway. To the contrary It could interest new people to the frenchise, make new legions of ghostheads.

by MyMaster

22 years ago

One more thing

A petition cannot force or rush big studio to make a movie. It's funny that someone could think like that (Are You a God? LOL)

A petition cannot generate a book based on gb3's script because it would be too complicated/time consuming for Dan Aykroyd to hire a good writer and cowork with him on that.

But a petition could generate a publication of an existing script.

It's a shame that this scipt - stolen propriety is now going from hand to hand in the circle of “friends”. BTW - I ve heard that legal action would be started on this matter by legal owners, whose were robbed.

by DocRyedale

22 years ago

“Are You a God?”

Nope. I sure would like to have a talk with THE God, though.

So you're saying that if we did start a petition, and it worked, that they wouldn't rush to make the movie? It definetely would be BEST if they didn't rush. Especially with that HORRIBLE script that IGN reviewed. Please take a look at my review of IGN"s review:


22 years ago

I am behind the idea fully, go a head with the petition. and all you people out there that think it wont make a difference can just keep the coments to themselves and let the other ghostheads try and get at least somthing going in the gb3 direction. wether it be a book or a movie we should try our hardest to let people know that ghostbusters is not dead and there are thousands of fans around the world to prove it and if it takes a petition to let someone know we care then lets do it!!!!!

by MyMaster

22 years ago

Doc Ryedale

I wouldn't trust a thief. Imagine this someone stole a car and is saying “I stole it, but anyway it's a bad car”. Would You believe in that? Exactly the same situation is with this ign guy.

by d_osborn

22 years ago

how would it not work?? i'm not so sure that if dan's gb3 first draft was released, it would lead to a gb3 film. what i am sure of is the satisfaction of ghostheads. if you are a fan, you CANNOT say that you wouldn't want to read it for yourself, and picture in your mind how it could be. i know i would. i think it would be great to see it, like in some limited release. what could it hurt, anyway? i had this same idea for a while. i just want to read the darn thing.i REALLY doubt sony would release it like that, though.

on a different note, i also wish that dan's first draft of the ghostbusters script would be released in some form or another, whether just online, or in book form.

by DocRyedale

22 years ago

Whatchutalkinbout', Willis? Do you mean that this IGN guy stole the script? Stealing is bad. :0 :O


22 years ago

Lets do it

by Mike_D

22 years ago

I think that it would work. I mean, its not like we're trying to get them to make a gb3, its just the publication of the original gb3 script thats already written! and with the “possible” release of these 8 gb products, it might just happen!

by DarkLotus

22 years ago


When a corp. as big as sony makes sooo much money in soo many other areas, then can afford to be annoyed and hate. weather or not they do is up to the person looking at the situation. I think that they are just scared, a lot of money would be needed if GB3 were to become reality. If you owned the rights to spongebob whats his face you would be scared to make a 100th movie too if there weren't any real prrof that the movie would sell to all people. PLease note that Sony REALLY doesn't care about us, Because they know we'll buy. Were not an issue. They arent saying "Man I hope the ghostheads that stay supporting and demading GBs will go for this, they care about the other people who the aren't sure of. Thats why GB3 isn't, or at least hasn't been made…

2ND of ALL:

Sorry Z man but this time, I'll have to dis-agree with ya. Even thoguh I don't think a petition will work, the only real thing they do is let people know that SOMEONE is interested, I think that Dan's script could easily be made into a novel. A novel being produced before a movie is nothing new (SUPRISE TO THE PEOPLE THAT DONT READ!!)So I dont think that would be a problem.

I agree that if GB1 however were made into a novel first, as visualy intense as it was, it might have been a weird read however, now that 2 movies, 2(3) animated series, a comic run and countless figures have been made I think people got the basic idea and it wouldn't be so hard to visualize the novel.

Just my thoughts