How about a petition for... publication of Dan's Script!!!

by DarkLotus

22 years ago

Master….what the hell are you talking about?

by MyMaster

22 years ago


1. Dan Aykroyd wrote the script for GB3 (first draft)

2. This script was shown to various producers, key-people, actors and so on. For sure it wasn't Dan's idea to make this script a public thing. Remember this was a first draft. It was “a base” for further work (in fact Harold Ramis once again came to help Dan, and they heavily reworked this first draft.)

3.IGN guy and some other “friends” got this first draft in - I assume - illegal way.

*It was a stealing of copyrighted material.*

4. Then they began to star their rat-work. IGN guy and couple of others started to write their reviews of this STOLEN screenplay. Morover they said in their reviews that this script is a piece of sh**t, bad screenplay, unreadable and so on.

5. I've heard that Dan's is very bitter about the whole thing and asked his lawyers to do something about it. I think that this all is a big shame for GB community.

6. So I thought that we should try to fix things, make a big petition addressed to Dan. Petition for publishing of this First Draft. Big harm to Dan and GB3 was done anyway, but we can fix it a bit, I think.

At this moment the official publication of the first draft can only help GB3 and GB community.


by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

I might get blasted for this but the original GB script was a peice of crap too… at least until Ivan and Harold got ahold of it.

by MyMaster

22 years ago

…and the first draft of gb2 was about dana's being kiddnaped and taken to scotland!!!


by DarkCorner

22 years ago

hey ill sign the petition.

by NetSolo

22 years ago


Quite honestly I think that you don't want to read the script unless the film comes out. Mr. Dan Aykroyd's first 1986 dated draft of Ghostbusters II is so different that the actual film, I'm convinced that if someone would have read it, the fans would have read it, everyone on this earth would have read it before Ghostbusters II came out there never would have been a Ghostbusters II.

Think if you read the script, the draft which Stax and Castewar among others have gotten their hands on- the draft that does NOT include Harold Ramis' humor at all, the draft that does NOT include studio changes and suggestions. A draft which, quite frankly is dreamy la-la land Dan Aykroyd style and you ended up being completely disappointed.

I can see the posts now, “Thank God Aykroyd never made GB3” “Script was a pile of dung would have made a horrible movie” “George Lucas is the devil” (oh wait, that's over on the Aint It Cool News boards) I can see the fan boy hate mail already and it would all be in vein. The draft that everyone read would not have been anywhere near close to being the draft that could have been.

Plus, Castewar brings up an EXCELLENT point, Sony will never allow their intellectual property to be killed off like that. They have GB3 sitting there, just waiting, idling where they want it to be. If the script is published with the intent that the film will never be made, they've lost an intellectual property that could have made them a fortune in a book that more than likely only fans of the franchise will read. Not a hip, fresh, new audience that Dan (and Sony) is hoping to snare in and make some dough off of.

Patience… it truly is a virtue. If GB3 was ever meant to see the light of day, it will.

by MyMaster

21 years, 12 months ago


Good post, but

Firstly I would like to hear from You loud and clear what do You think about stealing Dan's script and writing reviews of it.

Secondly Sony doesn't care about GB anymore. They're selling licenses to third rate parties…(computer developers)
You can buy license at really low price.

There won't be GB3 the movie. Period. Look at this board, how small is the group of fans. It would be idiotic for Sony to put 100 000 000 dollars into peretty much forgotten frenchise. They will do MIB3 more likely.

Stealing of Dan's script and writing about how bad it was, is a final kick for GB. Why? Because those “fans” made angry, bitter and sad the Man himself. You can say big thank you for ign guys and his partners in crime.

The comparison between the first draft for GB2 and GB3 is not a very good thing. Back then GB was very alive, now it's very dead.Back then the wrong script would confused mass audience, now it won't do any harm anyway. Also I BELIEVE IN DAN AYKROYD'S WRITING SKILLS. I BELIEVE THAT THE SCREENPLAY IN GB 3 IS GREAT. And I hate stealing and I don't trust a thief. BTW - I really don't know if the stole so-called “first draft” was areal “first draft”.

Obviously You don't have a big trust in Dan - the true father of Ghostbusters - Aykroyd anymore. That's a tragic situation for You as a GB fan.

If the moderator of GB Message Boards called Dan Aykroyd's work a dreamy la-la-la then indeed GB is dead.



PS. I'm really shocked that You so easiely approved the stealing of Dan Aykroyd's script in Your post!!!

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 12 months ago

I believe IGN gave an honest oppinion of the script… deal with it, I have said this before but let me tell you again, dan aykroyds original script for ghostbusters was crappy too… until harold and Ivan got ahold of it. dans not a bad writer but he isnt the genious you think he is.

by Slimer03

21 years, 12 months ago

I am in. Not sure if it will work or not but it is worth a shot.

by NetSolo

21 years, 12 months ago


I think you truly misread my post. My point was that the draft of Ghostbusters 3 that is circulating and being reviewed by internet journalists is what is referred to as a development draft. Just as the 86 draft of Ghostbusters II was never meant to be seen by the public eye, this draft of Ghostbusters was never meant to be seen let alone reviewed. This is the point I was trying to make, people lamenting that “it's a good thing Ghostbusters 3 wasn't made because this script was terrible” are way off the mark. This would not resemble the final film in any way shape or form.

Also, at no point did I call for the stoning of Dan Aykroyd. When I refer to his situations as dreamy la la land, that is what Dan does best, it is what he is known for. He comes up with characters and situations that are so original and so complex technically that they could and would be some of the most original material in film today. The man is a genius, and just like any genius he's having trouble having his work distributed. The sad thing is, when Dan passes only then will he be appreciated for the contributions that he's made. Just like any other genius.

You write: “The comparison between the first draft for GB2 and GB3 is not a very good thing. Back then GB was very alive, now it's very dead.Back then the wrong script would confused mass audience, now it won't do any harm anyway. Also I BELIEVE IN DAN AYKROYD'S WRITING SKILLS. I BELIEVE THAT THE SCREENPLAY IN GB 3 IS GREAT. And I hate stealing and I don't trust a thief. BTW - I really don't know if the stole so-called ”first draft“ was areal ”first draft“.”

Please read above comments. Both are very much development drafts at the same point in production. Neither had Harold Ramis' touch added to them. Both were very early “first drafts” as you refer to them. Now here's the kicker, I know for a fact that Castewar didn't sneak into Dan's office on the Sony lot when it still existed and steal a copy of the script cat burgler style. No no, this day in age the internet probably had a copy of the script land in his lap and he read it. Where was the source, is it real? I couldn't tell you. Am I convinced that if it is real it is a very early draft as previously mentioned? 100 percent.

You write: “Secondly Sony doesn't care about GB anymore. They're selling licenses to third rate parties…(computer developers)
You can buy license at really low price….. / They will do MIB3 more likely.”

First of all, the Ghostbusters license was sold to L and P for Extreme Ghostbusters, a property which Sony was already licking its wounds on as a failure. Secondly, MIB3 went into development last month so you know that they're expecting good things from the franchise that follows the Ghostbusters forumla to a T.

You write: “Obviously You don't have a big trust in Dan - the true father of Ghostbusters - Aykroyd anymore. That's a tragic situation for You as a GB fan.”

Once again, I seriously think you totally misread the post. The previous post puts all of my faith into Mr. Dan Aykroyd. He has an ultimate plan for the franchise and its direction. He's hit a snag right now that has built up miles and miles of red tape and it is very unfortunate but if he wants to see the film made, it will be. It was written as a film, a visual medium. Your idea for a printed version of the screenplay would be great as a companion to the film, but would never stand alone on its own.

You write: “If the moderator of GB Message Boards called Dan Aykroyd's work a dreamy la-la-la then indeed GB is dead.


You're preaching to the choir there Reverend MyMaster. I'm one of the largest advocates for Ghostbusters 3 on the boards and in the community and quite frankly, you might want to get a feel for people before you start lecturing them.