how are you even so sure it was stolen? how do you know someone at sony GAVE the copy of the script to stax & friends?

i'm sure if sony or dan were so angry about it, something would have been done already. that script review is OLD.
IF it WAS stolen, and castewar, stax, whoever else read the thing, they're doing pretty good if that is the worst thing they've ever done/will do. there is a BIG difference between talking about a script that wasn't even supposed to be read by outside sources and illegal drugs.
back to the topic at hand…. many have said that aykroyd's script wouldn't be good in book form, but what about the completed draft by aykroyd AND ramis??? i wonder if much improvement was done over aykroyds draft.
also, maybe not in script of novel form, but the idea of the ghostbusters getting “hellbent”

could appear in the new comic, or whatever it is. there were rumors that dan was involved in the project. it would ROCK if he would come up with the storyline. it wouldn't even have to be associated with the new comic line, it could be totally independent. an actual third part of the ghostbusters serial, but in comic form instead of book form.
i also think that dan aykroyd is a genius. he is by far one of my favorite actors AND writers. coneheads?? who else could have come up with something so FUNNY than mr. aykroyd. even though chances are null right at this moment, i really wish sony would let dan and harold flex their creative muscles and pump out a new ghostbusters. from what i have read, the plot sounds really cool, and i would love to see it on the screen (or on paper

) i could even handle new members to the GB team