How about a petition for... publication of Dan's Script!!!

by DocRyedale

21 years, 12 months ago

Are you saying that this script that IGN reviewed hasn't been “revised” by Harold Ramis and/or Ivan Reitman's and studio changes and suggestions? That explains why it's so CRAPPY… May I remind you ONCE AGAIN how CRAPPY it was:

I pray to the Good Lord above us that Harold Ramis and/or Ivan Reitman and studio changes WILL INDEED make a “revision”.

*Crosses fingers* Please let Harold Ramis and/or Ivan Reitman and studio changes revise it, Please let Harold Ramis and/or Ivan Reitman and studio changes revise it, Please let Harold Ramis and/or Ivan Reitman and studio changes revise it…

by MyMaster

21 years, 12 months ago

Net Solo wrote: “Now here's the kicker, I know for a fact that Castewar didn't sneak into Dan's office on the Sony lot when it still existed and steal a copy of the script cat burgler style. No no, this day in age the internet probably had a copy of the script land in his lap and he read it.”

Sorry but, what difference does it make? It's like “My friend has a stolen car but I know for sure he didn't steal it himself” :d :d

Pardon me, but this is a very strange kind of morality.


by MyMaster

21 years, 12 months ago

Doc Ryedale - this was “a great” I HATE YOU letter to Dan Aykroyd. You can be proud of Yourself!

by NetSolo

21 years, 12 months ago


Okay, now you're just desperately trying to stir up trouble. Am I condoning the stealing of intellectual property? Not at all… show me where I said “I think that reading and talking about scripts that haven't been released is great, everyone and their grandma should do it” and then we'll talk. Until then, I'm gone (to steal back's coin phrase).


Yes, the draft that's supposedly being reviewed doesn't sport Harold's name. As I understand it's one of the earlier drafts before Dan and Harold sat down and fleshed out a draft to show to all other parties involved.

by Texasgb

21 years, 12 months ago

Ok. Here is where I stand. You should not accuse if you dont know if the script was stolen. That being said, I would like to add that reading and viewing are far different things. Although some may cite the script as dry when they read it this could be do the the fact it is so detailed. It was reported it was over 300 pages and they were going to have to make two movies out of it. So when it would be produced the opinions of the reviews may change drastically. Lets not forget this is Aykroyd we are talking about. He is known for having big ideas. It was also just a first draft. Aykroyd would not allow a low quality script to be produced on any of his projects.

by NetSolo

21 years, 12 months ago


You nailed it man. It's a big idea that will only get bigger through a year (or more) of development. To print it and call it quits would be shooting himself in the foot and depriving him of the vision that he originally had.

“A script is a blueprint, it is intended to be translated to a visual medium.” - Mark Schwartz, brilliant guy.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 12 months ago

I agree *both*

by Ema

21 years, 12 months ago

It would be cool if Dan Aykroyd did agre to make the Ghostbusters 3 script into a book. But, how could you get to ask him?

by MyMaster

21 years, 12 months ago

Net Solo wrote:
“Okay, now you're just desperately trying to stir up trouble.”

What??? You are the one who's kicking a script stolen from Dan Ayrkoyd. You are the one who as a moderator allow to post things like “Where can I find GB3: Hellbent script” (What next - "Where can I find crack or extasy).

You're in big problems in fact…with morality.


by d_osborn

21 years, 12 months ago

how are you even so sure it was stolen? how do you know someone at sony GAVE the copy of the script to stax & friends? i'm sure if sony or dan were so angry about it, something would have been done already. that script review is OLD.
IF it WAS stolen, and castewar, stax, whoever else read the thing, they're doing pretty good if that is the worst thing they've ever done/will do. there is a BIG difference between talking about a script that wasn't even supposed to be read by outside sources and illegal drugs.

back to the topic at hand…. many have said that aykroyd's script wouldn't be good in book form, but what about the completed draft by aykroyd AND ramis??? i wonder if much improvement was done over aykroyds draft.
also, maybe not in script of novel form, but the idea of the ghostbusters getting “hellbent” could appear in the new comic, or whatever it is. there were rumors that dan was involved in the project. it would ROCK if he would come up with the storyline. it wouldn't even have to be associated with the new comic line, it could be totally independent. an actual third part of the ghostbusters serial, but in comic form instead of book form.
i also think that dan aykroyd is a genius. he is by far one of my favorite actors AND writers. coneheads?? who else could have come up with something so FUNNY than mr. aykroyd. even though chances are null right at this moment, i really wish sony would let dan and harold flex their creative muscles and pump out a new ghostbusters. from what i have read, the plot sounds really cool, and i would love to see it on the screen (or on paper ) i could even handle new members to the GB team