How about a petition for... publication of Dan's Script!!!

by MyMaster

21 years, 12 months ago

lie is a lie, stealing is stealing.

first draft of gb3 sript wasn't meant to be discussed by a bunch o people who got access to it in ILLEGAL way and now they are “EXPERTS” whose think they have a right to say if it's good or bad. Same on those people. If I get GB3 script I wouldn't read it in the same way I wouldn't use stolen computer or drive a stolen car.

It's plain sick that I have to teach people here about such obvious things.
Image that someone robed YOU, steal for example Your book and now is the so called “Insider” who says it a crap or a dreamy la la la.



by d_osborn

21 years, 12 months ago

how do you know it was stolen? how do you know that someone at sony didn't GIVE the script to stax and crew? do you have PROOF? you're not teaching ANYONE. i'm sure everyone here at GB.NET knows the difference between right and wrong. these guys never said they were experts, they simply gave a review of a script they had read. how they got their hands on that script is THEIR business and not yours or mine. i'm VERY sorry that this post is not on topic.

by NetSolo

21 years, 12 months ago


You and my ex-girlfriend should really get together, you both have a great knack for turning people's words around on them and accusing them for things they have no part in and of things they never said.

But you are right about one thing, a topic which you have started has gone way off on a tangent and as a moderator I'm putting an end to it. Put this back on the topic or action will be taken.

But just like my ex, you and I are through. Enjoy the boards, have fun, but as far as I'm concerned I have nothing left to say to you. I'm off to go plague the world with my so-called immorality.

by DarkLotus

21 years, 12 months ago

well……. :d

anyways, I am happy that everyone has a good opinion to share (well almost everybody)I wish conversations would take a more mature turn in their time of being. Anyone else think that this is a good idea?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 12 months ago

“Doc Ryedale - this was ”a great“ I HATE YOU letter to Dan Aykroyd. You can be proud of Yourself!”

Now wait just a second. This was not an “I HATE YOU” letter to Dan Aykroyd. It wasn't even in letter form! I love that guy. He's a very creative genius. The script just needs Harold's improvement. And *Gulps* the EGB's… Hey they're better than these weirdo's Dan came up with, aren't they?

The point is, what Netsolo said, Harold Ramis hasn't revised it yet. It would be a WHOLE lot better if Harold Ramis revised it, and then MAYBE we could have a publication, if it doesn't get made.

Have you ever heard about the GB and GB II scripts like what they were before Harold Ramis/Ivan Reitman/Studio Changes/Rick Moranis (Well, he sorta just improvised Louis some.) revised it? They were kinda crappy. GB1 was too much like Star Wars, and GB II was too much like Lord of the Rings. Now personally, I think Harold and Ivan improved the scripts MAJORLY. I would at least like for Harold to revise it before we get a publication, or have GB III made.

BTW, Netsolo, did you say that Dan and Harold haven't sat down and come up with a revised script, yet? Man they need to get the ball rolling on this. Of course, I don't mean I want them to rush, but I would like to see Harold revise it, and if it were to be made into a movie, I'd like to see it by at least 2004.

GB III: Hellbent - The revised and improved script by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis:

by NetSolo

21 years, 12 months ago


Actually they have collaborated on a draft. That was part of the point, I'm sure that draft is worlds different than the original Hellbent script.

by Texasgb

21 years, 12 months ago

I think some are displaying a general sentiment that Aykroyd is not a good writer. This is completely false. Look at the franchises he has created: Ghostbusters, Blues Brothers and Coneheads (SNL). It is true he is more of a idea man, but thats whats the heart of a good script.

by NetSolo

21 years, 12 months ago


Nobody has… (sigh) never mind. I'm too tired.

by Texasgb

21 years, 12 months ago

Net - Not you man. We allmost see eye to eye on this one

by NetSolo

21 years, 12 months ago


Whew, good… I'm tellin' ya man, it's a good thing that I'm not a politician. I get tired so easily trying to persuade people when I know that they're set in their ways.