“Doc Ryedale - this was ”a great“ I HATE YOU letter to Dan Aykroyd. You can be proud of Yourself!”
Now wait just a second. This was not an “I HATE YOU” letter to Dan Aykroyd. It wasn't even in letter form!

I love that guy. He's a very creative genius. The script just needs Harold's improvement. And *Gulps* the EGB's…

Hey they're better than these weirdo's Dan came up with, aren't they?

The point is, what Netsolo said, Harold Ramis hasn't revised it yet. It would be a WHOLE lot better if Harold Ramis revised it, and then MAYBE we could have a publication, if it doesn't get made.
Have you ever heard about the GB and GB II scripts like what they were before Harold Ramis/Ivan Reitman/Studio Changes/Rick Moranis (Well, he sorta just improvised Louis some.) revised it? They were kinda crappy. GB1 was too much like Star Wars, and GB II was too much like Lord of the Rings. Now personally, I think Harold and Ivan improved the scripts MAJORLY. I would at least like for Harold to revise it before we get a publication, or have GB III made.
BTW, Netsolo, did you say that Dan and Harold haven't sat down and come up with a revised script, yet? Man they need to get the ball rolling on this. Of course, I don't mean I want them to rush, but I would like to see Harold revise it, and if it were to be made into a movie, I'd like to see it by at least 2004.
GB III: Hellbent - The revised and improved script by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis: