how about this for a idea

by jewy

21 years, 9 months ago

for gb3 have it be about the guys fineding out that gozer and vigo where just the beinging of the end of the world and they were perparing it for some one with a greater power and they guys need to hire more help but the orginals are in the movie almost as much as the newbys??

by jewy

21 years, 9 months ago

guys dont leave me hanging here tell me what u think.

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

Thats a good idea, a little vague, but a good start…

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 9 months ago

That would work, but only if Gozer and Vigo weren't determined to conquer the world by themselves. Remember Gozer said, “The Traveler has come, jews and berries.” Oops, that's not right, I mean, “…choose and perish”. Yeah, that's better. Also, remember that Vigo said, “Now is the season of evil; bring me a child, so that I might live again.” Gozer referred to itself in the 3rd person, while Vigo said “I”…“so, that ‘I’ might live again.” If they were both to be part of a plan preparing the way for a far more dangerous supernatural power, then that plot idea would have been hinted and established early on in both movies.

If you want to make your idea work, then you could say that Gozer and Vigo failed in their conquest for destruction and world domination; thus, allowing a more superior demigod to succeed where they both failed.

by jewy

21 years, 9 months ago

mr no ghost that was what i was thinking and since they falid to do so that a bigger stonger powerful god is comming now to finish what they tried to do.

by RunDMC

21 years, 9 months ago

One way to link the Gozer and Vigo to a third movie would be to make the final ghost that of Shandor, the creater of Dana's old appartment block.

As he thought society was “too sick to survive” he could have not only performed rituals on top of the building but also rituals involving Vigo's painting. This would also work out well to explain why Dana keeps setting these things off - as she was the Gatekeeper she must trigger these things when she goes near them.

Shandor could have also tried summoning powerful spirits to become one himself. Vigo must have had some sort of secret to survive his many deaths and live that long. Of course in the third movie Shandor will probably have just one purpose - revenge on the Ghostbusters.

by TaxiCabFloor

21 years, 8 months ago

Run, very interesting take on Shandor…something that might have gotten looked over and forgotten about among many fans, about how he constructed this building to be a gateway for these evil spirits…HOWEVER…the only problem i believe with a Shandor angle would be kind of a re-hash of the previous two movies…as those two movies, which i love dearly…but they're still so similar…which is what kept GB2 from being a very well liked movie, nation-wide, it was a recycled plot. How much more can we do with Shandor, what can Shandor do to the world that Gozer, or Vigo didn't threaten to do? that's my only fear of a the Shandor angle….What you could possibly do, is keep the Hellbent concept, and somehow, incorporate Shandor, in a much more minor role? Otherwise, linking Vigo and Gozer to another evil being in the 3rd movie might be a bad direction, i think the PRIMARY focus of a 3rd Ghostbusters movie, would be to try to distance themselves from the previous 2 movies, as much as possible. While we all LOVED the original Ghostbusters, as did EVERYONE else…the problem is, we need to give everyone something different, or the franchise will die very quickly after the 3rd movie is released.

by Ghostbuster-x

21 years, 8 months ago

The only way that this would work is that you did they need a more stronger greater demon or ghost. Well whats known as the worst evil around, haven't got it yet?

The Devil of course. Now that would be a story and half, The Ghostbustes had to go up against the devil. You can get worst than that!!

by JackKong

21 years, 8 months ago

Well i came to GBN because of the GB3 but didnt see anything worth looking at
Now Ill reply to this one
Gozer was a god i think that is bigger then the Devil.
By the way I have my own script half way through. It'll be good, but won't become a movie I fear.
I know it's a long time, but I'll have it done by the end of the year (real movie scripts - at least for the good movies have taken from 8 moths to 7 years).
Talk to you then.


21 years, 8 months ago

Hehe I think we all have scripts. I do myself, unfortunately I'm more of an action writer so my comedy is very tame, if at all present.