How are your neighbors?

by newrecruit1

16 years, 9 months ago

On my side, things became a bit different since a couple years. The man next door is, mhh, a bit noisy, to say the least. Always mad, always yelling, hitting at things; doesn't care also about the way he talks to his wife and son. 10 min later, he's laughing in front of a dumb tv show (yep, I can hear his tv). The kind of guy who deserves a “burgerking” crown for his selfishness. Around forty years old but put him in a schoolyard and you won't find a difference. Two neighbors moved out because of him and I've heard that he was thrown out of his last place.

Loud music, also. I decided to follow the dance (who doesn't like to turn up the volume?) but that was stupid! I started that after his week of yelling. I put the volume at 3/4, reduced the bass to the max (or the walls would collapse), and I was louder than them during one funny hour. It's nothing compared to all the stress he made during the years… but, in return, the guy answered me with a week of music!

Or he can't read between the lines or he's realy stubborn. We had two weeks of music fight :p
Now, I think the guy is not happy; walking out of the market, I saw his truck leaving the parking after I saw him.

Something tells me that he's planning something for next month (him or one of his contact will make a move).

The man may be bigger than me, I'm not scared of him; he's too childish. I still respect him, he have a wife and a 16/17yrs ol son, despite his bad attitude, he still help them. But I wonder what he's planning. Some of the other neighbors are members of his family; do I have to add that I'm probably considered the “bad guy”?

I don't think the authority will change things for the better and I have no money to live somewhere else. Oh, well, I guess I have to wait to see what will happen.

by imported_E-DUBB

16 years, 9 months ago

my neighbors are great… its the people on the street next to mine that piss me off beyond belief.

by Addiemonster

16 years, 9 months ago

Loud, obnoxious, law-breaking pot-smokers who could do with a good beating. They KNOW we have three little kids in the house who go to bed at 8pm, yet they keep doing wheelies up and down the street on their 4-wheelers and dirtbikes. One of them has a rather nice Honda CBR that he enjoys burning the rear tire off of in a huge cloud of smoke.

Don't bother suggesting we anonymously call the cops on them, the other neighbors already do about 3-4 times a week. It doesn't seem to phase them. How any of them still have their vehicles or licenses baffles me.

by Pandamar

16 years, 9 months ago

Disgusting hillbillies whose property looks worse than a junk yard. No joking. The entire right side of their property is filled with old trash and junk.

I'm really considering calling the health department…or some kind of department anyway.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 9 months ago

They ocasionally moo a lot, other than that it's pretty quiet for a few miles….. >_>

by Chad

16 years, 9 months ago

My neighbors are actually really cool. I stay up and work late, so I often keep music or podcasts up rather loud and they don't seem to mind.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 9 months ago

Those are a little bit obnoxious, never say hi, and they pretend they didn´t see you coming out of the house.

Sometimes I wish that the game ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS came to real life.

by inebriantia

16 years, 9 months ago

I've actually been quite lucky since I've moved. My last house it sucked big time. A friend from high school had moved in next door. One of those ppl you didn't mind in high school, but once you grow up and they don't you kinda just stopped talking to. He moved in and every day and night they constantly had like 8 ppl over and they all hung out outside. They were always there 8AM 2 AM, god and they were always “hey hey what's up?”, always wanting to know everything. Everytime me and my girlfriend would go outside and sit on our swing, they'd just sit there and stare, or they'd come over and talk to us till we couldn't stand it anymore, we hated no privacy.

So when I moved I've made sure that I've not spoken to one neighbor. Which i'm glad! I live in one of those 2 houses in 1 deals. About a month ago I looked out my window and saw about 10 cops with rifles out front, 10 in the back and freaked out. It turns out that my neighbor was a dealer, and his dealer went over there to collect money. The guy didn't pay his dealer and got beat up and his wife called the cops. Then the guy and his dealer didn't want the cops there so they just didn't answer when the cops came, which made things worse. So both guys got arrested, they searched the house, and then took thier kids. That drove me nuts, they were there that night from 8PM to 2AM and everytime I even walked outside the cops yelled at me, they were there for about 3 days tearing through the house. God that drove me nuts, what was I supposed to do, I lived in the same house they were searching technically? Lol.

So I know ya I live in a hick town where every car and truck has a super loud exhaust and they all have to drive 50 down a 25 and the stop signs are all a block apart, what a waste of gas. Then there's the house across there street where they have 5 broke down junker cars in their yard, god I hate my town.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 9 months ago

Sometimes I wish that the game ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS came to real life.

You wish the whole world to be taken over by undead zombies, who'll probably eat you and your friends, not to mention you loved ones just because you have anoyying neigbours?

Well whatever the case, just wait till I get my chainsaw and boomstick. :p

by newrecruit1

16 years, 9 months ago

Zombies ate my neighbors?! No, why end in violence!?
But kill yourself before that or it won't be pretty in the containment unit! :p