How are your neighbors?

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

I live in the middle of a retirement community and mine (on both sides) are bitches. For the past few yrs we have been playing this dance of reporting each other to the city for various infractions on city code…one of them went so far as to poison one of my cats which caused his death…

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 9 months ago

…one of them went so far as to poison one of my cats which caused his death…

What the hell? Can't you take him to court for that? I mean, if he's already violating city codes, shouldn't purposely killing a neighbours pet just add to his jail time?

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

we could but there is a little thing about proof. We know he was poisoned, and we know by what….just no proof on who actually did it. In all honesty it is an assumption on our part…but considering the fueding we have been having and part of the fueding involved our cats…

And his City code violations are mysteriously cleaned up and corrected by the time a city worker comes by to visually see himself….


by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 9 months ago

my neibors are actully kinda nice I live in what is known as perfect surburbia. my complex is quiet. kept neatly. and my manager is super nice.

by fusi0n1

16 years, 9 months ago

I live in a nice quiet estate. Neighbours on the right are a married couple with 2 kids, a little bit older than us.

The guy on the right has a girlfriend, is about my age and is a boat builder so is away a lot. I sometimes pop over and put his bins out if he's not home. They both have dogs, but you hardly hear them.

The ones directly behind us are okay, they have get-togethers every few weeks, and are a little rowdy but generally stop well before midnight. Which is good as my kids' bedrooms are at the back of the house.

Love thy neighbours.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 8 months ago

How bout that… ohhh, I'm not feeling safe here. Have I done a mistake? The home owner came to take the rent today… and she received a letter with it about the drugs we can often breath here, the noise, and the negative events we had coming from the appartment under us. Damn, instead of keeping the letter, she directly visited the man… who was *not* happy; he walked in front the house, yelling bad words at us. Not surprising after what we have heard from him to his son and wife over the years…

He lives in his appartment like if it was a house in the forest. We had patience during this last five years; him, he wouldn't have stand a month if he was in our situation. I guess his bad words was a way to say “thank you”? (*winston) (*janine)

It's a beautiful day! lol how this song sounds funny now! I guess I'll have to watch myself again.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

I'm surprised to hear how many people have such bad neighbors… and also the severity of the situations. If I was in a lot of your positions, I'd have done something. Said something. You can't just expect the behavior to stop. And getting into feuds or competitions of who can annoy who more isn't going to solve anything.

I'm pretty lucky. I live in a nice townhouse development. The people who own the house attached to our's are never there, and only bought the house because their daughter plays for the university's basketball team. The house has literally been empty 95% of the past 2 years. I think her daughter might move in next year though. The neighbors in front of us are really friendly, and we actually hang out with them quite often (I met my girlfriend, who's moving in with me next month, through them). The rest of the other 6 houses are all pretty quite, but all friendly and nice people. The only real jerks that we had only lived there for a few months after we moved in, and they were the types that ignore you when you walk out your door and say “Hi.” Just real rude. Glad they're gone.

by zachary1998

15 years, 8 months ago

The kids on the other side of my backyard are pretty much jerks. They are rich and snobs. We were playing baseball in the backyard and the ball got over the fence and they said it was theirs and refused to give it back. Then when they were playing in the backyard my cousin Scott threatened to come over and beat them up. The brother is eleven and her sister is seven. They threatened to get their father. Scott and the boy argued back and forth.Scott said go a head I will tell them you stole your ball. They eleven year old said that their father does not care. He shoplifts all the time. Scott and the eleven year old exchanged profanities back and forth. Things like calling each other ass holes, telling each other to “f” off. Then at night when they were inside he went over to their backyard and searched for the ball. They could not find it. We ran into their parents and asked if our ball was in the backyard. They said they did not know and later they could not find it. Well it was the mother we asked.

Scott later got them back. He squirted them with a watergun as they were relaxing. He went to tell his mother and his mother heard our stories and he gave the ball back. Now when we are outside at the same time we just swear at each other.

My friend Richard has bad neighbors also. He too lost a ball in the backyard. The grumpy man that got hit on the head with it took a pair of scissors(it was a rubber ball, cut it and threw it back to us.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

The kids on the other side of my backyard are pretty much jerks. They are rich and snobs. We were playing baseball in the backyard and the ball got over the fence and they said it was theirs and refused to give it back. Then when they were playing in the backyard my cousin Scott threatened to come over and beat them up. The brother is eleven and her sister is seven. They threatened to get their father. Scott and the boy argued back and forth. Then at night when they were inside he went over to their backyard and searched for the ball. They could not find it. We ran into their parents and asked if our ball was in the backyard. They said they did not know and later they could not find it. Well it was the mother they asked.

My friend Richard has bad neighbors also. He too lost a ball in the backyard. The grumpy man that got hit on the head with it took a pair of scissors(it was a rubber ball, cut it and threw it back to us.

How old are you?

by zachary1998

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;150956
How old are you?
I am ten and a half.