How are your neighbors?

by BrettJones

15 years, 7 months ago

Let me see. One of my neigbbors is a pedophile. One is a drunken lunitic who likes to shoot beer cans when he is loaded. Then there are the Mafia neighbors who let me hold their guns and hide their drugs in my house. They pay me to do this.

by thedavetini

15 years, 7 months ago

Brett Jones;151535
Let me see. One of my neigbbors is a pedophile. One is a drunken lunitic who likes to shoot beer cans when he is loaded. Then there are the Mafia neighbors who let me hold their guns and hide their drugs in my house. They pay me to do this.

for your sake, I hope you're over 18 jk

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

Brett Jones;151535
Let me see. One of my neigbbors is a pedophile. One is a drunken lunitic who likes to shoot beer cans when he is loaded. Then there are the Mafia neighbors who let me hold their guns and hide their drugs in my house. They pay me to do this.

Hope you realize you'll be going to jail as well, should the Mafia guys ever get caught.

by newrecruit1

15 years, 7 months ago

I will always wonder why the mods, who used to complain for less than this, never put a words in this things, in such situation.

Looking at how the negetavie elements are written, I will certainly not pay attention to your post; it sounds like a “gangster rap” song. And that banner says it all.

This post is nothing but Spam.

For those who actualy live close to such neighbors, give the information to security and move out if you can.

With this exemple we have here, it's needless to say “drugs” “guns” “maf” = trouble. If you're young, surrounded with people who prefer to not care about a positive futur, don't let yourself influenced; stay away, if there's a “wrong” side, there's a “good” side.

The problems when we are young is that we are constantly searching for people capable of recognizing our values. We also search for security and the feeling of belonging in our society. The other problems in this society are made by the fact that our educational centers (schools) are made to make us turn the wheel of Economy of this system; the human values, which lead to a good conduct, by understanding our potential, are not taught; we live, year after year, under fashion and fake maturity, most people give themselve ways instead of knowledge; when they grow up, they know the difference between good and bad, but they find out that their society looks empty, there's more “Mcdonald's” and people on drugs at each corners of their streets than people with a good strong inner strength based on respecting themselve becose someone else respect them while being capable of helping them in lots of ways; instead, the movie and the music industry gives us exemples of our values while throwing at us lots of garbage about free violence, sports or the army teach us about what our partners worth and people fall into religions; the new generation discover this world, like this is how reality is supposed to be, and built their structure on these mistakes; what was bad becomes terrible but what was good difficultly turns better; they forget about what they represent as a man or woman, also the fact they will give life to another human being, they keep their short view and fall in unecessary conflicts. Like money, drugs, abuses, mafias, etc.

The wrong group of persons know this and like to exploit, take advantage of other people by making them believe that with them, they will find a family, what they're searching for… but the bottom of the line contains a lot of contradictions…

Don't use drugs, some will say “There's no difference between coffee and drugs” But there's a big difference between a food product and the fact of fucking your potential to confusion.

But it's not becose there's a big sewer of shit under our feet that we need to turn our world like this.

by BigMac

15 years, 7 months ago

Luckily, I have a bunch of trees and brush (a forest if you like to call it) on both sides of the land keeping privacy between my neighbors and I.

On one side the neighbors are pretty much always quiet. Occasionally I'll hear a young child crying or getting upset in their yard. But not because of abuse or anything, you know, like a child who's crying because of a fall during play or because it's time to go back inside for the day and wants to stay outside.

On the other side, not so quiet, especially during the summer. Always driving their 4-wheelers and dirt bikes and whatever else around their yard. Plus they all shout over the noise of the bikes to one another. And one of the people there is a part time fireman and sometimes plays with the sirens in his truck that he uses for emergencies.