How can I get this (im tired of searching this forum)

by CodeRed

22 years, 5 months ago

1. I need to get this game, why this web site hasnt updated its broken link yet is above my understanding.

2. Stider, I do not want your comment that you added to every old post in this forum. If its going to be on the site, please post when it is, not when it should be.

If anyone could upload it to a site or send it to me through MSN or ICQ that would be great. ICQ =45022208 MSN =

by Slider_85

22 years, 5 months ago

1. I was just trying to help. I can give you some advice though. If you want someone to give it to you, like myself, you might want to try it without the attitude.

2. I do not run ghostbusters headquarters. All I was saying is to check every now and then for it.

3. I dont know of many people that are gonna go out of there way to send you the 18 mb file. All you can do, is grab a tissue, and suck it up untill its on gbhq. smile

by CodeRed

22 years, 5 months ago

Yea, sorry about the attitude, but that is the response everyone was getting. And I just got tired of coming back here like once every month since the other GBD2 site shut down, and finding the link broken as usual. Thanks for the help tho Strider, I appeciated it.

BTW, did Stephen and Bo finish the game? Or is it still a demo?