How can they explain the gap

by staypuff2

15 years, 8 months ago

How can they explain the gap in time between Ghostbusters 2-3? One thing I am curious about is if the original team will be the main cast or will there be new Ghostbusters or no Ghostbusters in the beginning and they just make a cameo or its their job to find new ones. I dont mind the new movie but some of me wonder s how people react when they see how they have aged on screen given the fact Dan and Bill look good but I am not sure about others.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

How can they explain the gap in time between Ghostbusters 2-3? One thing I am curious about is if the original team will be the main cast or will there be new Ghostbusters or no Ghostbusters in the beginning and they just make a cameo or its their job to find new ones. I dont mind the new movie but some of me wonder s how people react when they see how they have aged on screen given the fact Dan and Bill look good but I am not sure about others.

I'm not really sure what you're asking…

There will be new Ghostbusters in this movie. We know that. They're being written into the script for sure. Where they're in it right from the beginning of the movie (if that's what you're asking) remains to be seen, but my guess would be they won't just be a part of the team right away. We will see the recruitment and training process.

As for the aging, I don't think it will be a problem or that people will react oddly. Its not like these guys have been in a hole for 20 years. They're still acting. Still doing publicity and things like that. People know what they look like.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;150918
I'm not really sure what you're asking…

There will be new Ghostbusters in this movie. We know that. They're being written into the script for sure. Where they're in it right from the beginning of the movie (if that's what you're asking) remains to be seen, but my guess would be they won't just be a part of the team right away. We will see the recruitment and training process.

As for the aging, I don't think it will be a problem or that people will react oddly. Its not like these guys have been in a hole for 20 years. They're still acting. Still doing publicity and things like that. People know what they look like.

It's a movie, there doesn't have to be a 5 year chronology between sequels or something… In the era of “reboots”, “revivals”, “prequels” and etc, franchises jump ALL over the place and I think you are just expected to sit there and enjoy the story/plot… The first 2 GB movies are there with their own stories and then the story of GB3 would be about them getting older and having to find new recruits…

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

It's a movie, there doesn't have to be a 5 year chronology between sequels or something… In the era of “reboots”, “revivals”, “prequels” and etc, franchises jump ALL over the place and I think you are just expected to sit there and enjoy the story/plot… The first 2 GB movies are there with their own stories and then the story of GB3 would be about them getting older and having to find new recruits…

That's pretty much what I was saying in reference to the age thing.

People aren't going to be shocked.

by RayStantz1984

15 years, 7 months ago

I think there are several ways they could do it.

1. Don't jump ahead 20 years. Jump ahead 10 years. It can be 1999 and they're doing the countdown to the millenium/disaster thing. This would fit in really well with Akroyd's storyline of Ghostbusters go to Hell. Also it's an excuse to keep the setting before 2001 and we can see the twin towers in the Manhattan skyline.

2. For the past 20 years, it's been business as usual. After the Vigo incident of 1989, all has been quiet for 20 years. Just small jobs of capturing ghosts. We can have a montage of the past 20 years of the guys getting older and just living life. The guys have the Ghostbuster thing plus whatever else they have going on in their lives. Marriage (Egon to Melanie and Peter to Dana), jobs, research (Egon/Ray), other blue collar jobs (Winston), etc. Another big Gozer/Vigo hits Manhattan in 2010. That's when the Ghostbusters need to unite and have another epic battle.

3. After the Vigo incident, all of the Ghostbusters move on with their lives. All is normal in New York and the Ghostbusters are on the backburner. Egon, Ray, Peter, and Winston use their newfound status after Vigo to capitalize on their celebrity. Egon and Ray work at NYU or Columbia in research and become leaders in the field of paranormal activity or whatever it's called. Peter becomes a bigger celebrity on tv (bigger than his talk show). Winston becomes a high ranking official in something. Maybe the government or of a NYC Agency, like security or police or something like that. A big event happens and the Ghostbusters are called back together. Realizing they are older than 20 years ago, they call in two new recruits to help them on the job and there you go.

There are ways of doing it. I just don't think there should be a whole new team. 2 recruits will feel just right, while keeping a lot of attention on the main 4.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 7 months ago

I think you mean Egon to Janine
and your theories are unsound.

1. Why does it matter about the twin towers? As well Dan has pretty well scratched the Ghostbusters go to Hell idea as they used the basis of it for the Game (going to the ghostworld)

2. After the Vigo incident we all ready have a new Gozer incident (1991) which is canon.

3. Plans were all ready in place to keep it as the Ghostbusters continued the business.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I maybe the only one who thinks this but I thought it might be cool to see a movie that didn't take place in New York. Maybe about the Ghostbusters themselves in another city helping set up another new Franchise or something…and like was said before…explain it as if it was business as usual

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 7 months ago

I maybe the only one who thinks this but I thought it might be cool to see a movie that didn't take place in New York. Maybe about the Ghostbusters themselves in another city helping set up another new Franchise or something…and like was said before…explain it as if it was business as usual

With all new Ghostbusters?

Having the original 4 move to another city would be at like sitcom tv cliche levels… I can just see the trailer now, the GBs loading up their stuff into Ecto, with Venkman's polka dot underwear hanging from the roof rack and large boxes sticking out the windows… Then cue a chase car shot of Ecto driving down the interstate towards the new city with Slimer flying just back far enough so only the audience sees him…

Then the scene cuts to the Ecto pulling up to the new, rundown, firehouse and all the GBs pile out excited to see their new digs… Cue music “a brand new life, a brand new life coming ‘round the bend….”

Incase you couldn’t tell, I hate that idea. New Ghostbusters in a new city would be iffy too… I can see them turning it into some stupid “National Lampoon's Ghostbusters” movie or something…

by Nix

15 years, 7 months ago

It might not even be that. It could be them going to another city for a case with a portable HQ (ECTO-4, anyone?), and then they find out that it's bigger than they might have imagined possible.

by bleepblop

15 years, 7 months ago

2. After the Vigo incident we all ready have a new Gozer incident (1991) which is canon.

I feel that Jay is the only one who has mentioned the events that take place in the video game; which is basically the 3rd installment in the series. If I remember correctly after beating the game for the 100th time was the line, “You think it's time to expand?” or something along the lines of that.

So they were setting up the audience for another story.

I dunno, what do you guys think?