How can they explain the gap

by venkman3

15 years, 6 months ago

I've heard that a second game is to be released, to further explain the 20 year gap. This could work (I say could because I'm not 100% sure its true yet), due to the “You think its time to expand?” comment. Throw in a co-op campaign mode and boom! you have yet another new Ghostbuster. Maybe get Ray or Egon to start up a new franchise somewhere where psychic turbulence is prevailant (only one or two Ghostbusters should stray from NY seeing as how we now know the rook can kick some serious etherial ass and “hold down the fort” as it were.) like England or something cause the Ghostbusters dont have to be tied down to just america do they?. I guess what I'm really trying to get at is, the REAL question should be, “Who's next to start some trouble?” not, “How can they explain the gap?” Cause if you remember from the first movie, Ray says to Winston “Every ancient religion has its own myth about the end of the world…” Now THERE'S a new thread for ya.

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 6 months ago

I've heard that a second game is to be released, to further explain the 20 year gap. This could work (I say could because I'm not 100% sure its true yet), due to the “You think its time to expand?” comment. Throw in a co-op campaign mode and boom! you have yet another new Ghostbuster. Maybe get Ray or Egon to start up a new franchise somewhere where psychic turbulence is prevailant (only one or two Ghostbusters should stray from NY seeing as how we now know the rook can kick some serious etherial ass and “hold down the fort” as it were.) like England or something cause the Ghostbusters dont have to be tied down to just america do they?. I guess what I'm really trying to get at is, the REAL question should be, “Who's next to start some trouble?” not, “How can they explain the gap?” Cause if you remember from the first movie, Ray says to Winston “Every ancient religion has its own myth about the end of the world…” Now THERE'S a new thread for ya.

A second game? The first one just came out. Don't hold your breath!

by venkman3

15 years, 6 months ago

Like i said, I'm not 100% sure yet. Just a rumor I've heard. But It'd be insanely awesome if it were true. Just think, they could throw in a fully customizable character to further immerse you into the GB universe. And maybe just maybe we can start seeing Egon go insane and possibly turn into another Ivo Shandorr type. It hints at it in the game a little bit while your on the island. Egon-“There's no doubt that Shandorr was THE parapsychology expert of his time.” Winston-“Stay in the light Egon.” Egon- “…Trying to Winston.” Interesting, no?