How do I...

by egonsgal

17 years, 3 months ago

Save the audio from a video on YouTube? Someone told me how to do it once but I seem to have deleted the Notepad I put it on. I can't remember which one of the many forums I visit I posted on and got the instructions. ARGH!

Can anyone help?

by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

First you need to download the flash video file from YouTube, KeepVid is one place that'll allow you to do it… but you have to have a video convertor that'll convert the .flv files to something like Windows Media Player files, such as .WMA or .AVI.

After that, you'll need a audio program that can rip the audio from the video files without any problems.

What audio are you after?

by jka12002

17 years, 3 months ago

the best program you can use is Youtube Downloader, it converts youtube videos int any type of file, including mp3s