How do you make a trap smoke for approx. 5 minutes? i dont care how bad it smells.

by back

23 years, 1 month ago

(Decided to re-phrase the question) Just like in the film for about 5 min? without getting arrested? how do i do it?!?!
im gone.

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

I dont know exactly how they did it, bu let me give you a little tip, you might find it useful…

Get some hot ice and put some water on it, youre gonna get a cool smoke effect, althoug it dosent last much, just a coule of minutes, but enough to take a picture or shot a little piece of a movie…

I hope it serves you well.

by borzou99

23 years, 1 month ago

try to get your hands on some liquid nitrogen, but be warned, liquid nitrogen can freeze your trap and make it brittle, and may cause damage. I think dry ice and water might do the trick too…

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Liquid Nitrogen is really not what you want to use, if you arent careful you could freeze your hand instead of the trap

Dry Ice does seem to be the best method, I've been thinking about using smoke fireworks. The bigger smoke fireworks tend to give off a nice thick smoke, sometimes wink

by borzou99

23 years, 1 month ago

just for fun, and be careful while doing this, take liquid nitrogen and put it in a pop bottle. close the bottle as fast as you can and RUN!!!

the bottle should explode from expanding pressure smile

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago


why do you do such strange things??? wink

by Ectoman

23 years, 1 month ago

For GB1, they used smoke bombs..

For GB2, they used some chemical that smokes..

For the Dry-Ice bomb, “Dry ice can be a lot of fun, but be forewarned:

Using anything but plastic to contain dry ice bombs is suicidal. Dry ice is more dangerous than TNT, because it's extremely unpredictable. Even a 2-liter bottle can produce some nasty shrapnel: One source tells me that he caused an explosion with a 2-liter bottle that destroyed a metal garbage can. In addition, it is rumored that several kids have been killed by shards of glass resulting from the use of a glass bottle. For some reason, dry ice bombs have become very popular in the state of Utah. As a result, dry ice bombs have been classified as infernal devices, and possession is a criminal offense.”

BTW, I didn't write that last part..

by Ghostbuster505

23 years, 1 month ago

I just use smoke bombs, they work and you can choose the colors you want your trap to smoke, or they have the big smoke bombs that last for like a full minute. If you want to make your own, get salt peter (used in farming? and used buy scientist to grow crystals) mix four parts sugar and 6 parts salt peter and melt it(outside incase it ignites on the stove) in an old pan. it will make a thick paste, pour it into the container you want it in and stick a bunch of matches in it to use as fuses, or reall fuses if you have them, hurry as it hardens quickly, then just light it up and it smokes away. I've never tried it, but I've heard from others that 1 pound of the sugar&saltpeter could fill a city block with thick white smoke. I only put in about the amount that would fit in a shotglass. You can buy salt peter at pharmacies, at least I just have them order it it, and its, best of all, inexpensive! Good Luck smile wink

by Ectoman

23 years, 1 month ago

That's from the place I quoted about dry ice bombs:

“Here is the recipe for one hell of a smoke bomb!

4 parts sugar
6 parts potassium nitrate (Salt Peter)

Heat this mixture over a LOW flame until it melts, stirring well. Pour it into a future container and, before it solidifies, imbed a few matches into the mixture to use as fuses. One pound of this stuff will fill up a whole block with thick, white smoke!”

I'm sure we've all seen it..

by borzou99

23 years, 1 month ago

dude, i have lived through mulitple liquid nitrogen bottle bombs smile i could be considered an expert…