How do you make a trap smoke for approx. 5 minutes? i dont care how bad it smells.

by ThrowingChicken

23 years, 1 month ago

the salt peter smoke bombs give off as much flames as a road flare, and will probably catch your trap on fire. i really dont recomend using it. the stuff is fun to make though, and can be used as rockets if you put it in a metal tube. its also best to melt the surgar first, then mix in the salt peter.

you can make a mini smoke machine out of a sodering iron, and a eye droper filled with the liuquid smoke stuff.

by back

23 years, 1 month ago

that all sounds great! but what about the chemical compound that foggers use? cause i was thinking about using several laser pointers placed inside the trap pointing upwards into rising fog/steam simulating what we all saw in the movies. this will all happpen in a moderately dark place so its all good. any thoughts? thanks.
im gone.

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

well, i dont think that hot ice is dangerous…i mean, i used it in glasses to make that old series “Adams Family” beverage (never drinked of course, lol), but it never exploded or anithing else…

You want it to last for 5 minutes?, ok, full your trap with it and put some hot water on…..that should work.

I hope it helps you.

by ecto-3

23 years, 1 month ago

Just think of it this way….

“Its better for your trap to be the victim more than it is you”

Just dont turn it into a bomb or something that will tear your @$$ to shreads, let alone anyone elses whom might want to sue you. wink

by back

23 years, 1 month ago

Honestly, I dont want any victims! lolsmile just a happy, safe, legal smoking trap!
im gone.