How good do you think Ghostbusters III will be?

by matthew1

15 years, 11 months ago

If Ghostbusters III does indeed go ahead how good do you think it'll be?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 11 months ago

In order to get made… in order for all parties to agree and to get everyone involved on a level where they're all happy… it will have to be downright fantastic.

So my guess is “downright fantastic”.

by slimer3881

15 years, 11 months ago

probably wont be as awesome as GB1 but probably better than GB2, if not worse.

all in all, if it sucks, it'll still do pretty well at the BO, and atleast it be a good experience to see GB back in the theatres.

and if its good, then we have another great comedy to look forward to.

by LadyAkuma

15 years, 11 months ago

Well, they've said many times before that it won't be made unless the script is awesome. So, I'd have to think it'll be, as said before, downright fantastic. ^^

It's probably no going to be near as awesome as GB1, but it HAS to be better than GB2…Love that movie, but unless you're a GB fan, it is a bit too much…

Hopefully, the cast will rule, the script will be something close to flawless, and the originals will have at least a semi-big part of this movie, as mentors or whatever. *Wants to see more Ray and more Egon*

I just hope they don't fill the movie with a bunch of My Chemical Romance or crap like that for the soundtrack. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good…

by rodie1

15 years, 11 months ago

I just hope they don't fill the movie with a bunch of My Chemical Romance or crap like that for the soundtrack. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good…

Ew I never even thought of the soundtrack possibilities. Maybe they'll just use a score, that'd be ideal.

by RealmMan

15 years, 11 months ago

The main problem will be overcoming 20+ years of anticipation. Waiting this long between films invariably makes it near-impossible to live up to its own hype. I cite the 4th installments of Die Hard and Indiana Jones: both were good enough on their own, but just not worth waiting 15-20 years for. Conversely, there's the 6th Rocky, which the critics actually liked, but since the previous chapters spiraled downhill from the original, nobody saw it. It also doesn't help when the heroes look like they've been boosted from the home to make the movie. Again I cite Indy 4: Harrison Ford spends the movie trying to look as fit as he was in the first 3, and for the most part does–until he starts running. The man's pushing 70 and runs as such.

I know this doesn't really answer your question, but I wasn't actually trying to. Sorry.

by Yehome

15 years, 11 months ago

Half the love, twice the ghost busting.

That's what I expect.

And a cool soundtrack too.

by RickyM

15 years, 10 months ago

aaaaah man, what to say, most important thing, is i dont wanna get MYSELF too hyped, i dont wanna expect something that is way beyond what can be done, like i did for RAMBO ‘the last one’ although good, i let myself believe it wud be my old wartime hero returning and kicking butt like he used to, i wasnt let down, but it was far from as good as the old rambo's, but with ghostbusters 3, it just needs to be original, and with the original cast only agreeing to do it if the script is amazing, i cant see it being anything less than great, maybe they pushed GB2 out without giving the script a huge seeing 2, (although i think the movie was great' my fave part easily being the courtroom scene lmao brilliant) so i think the 3rd will be better than the 2nd but not as good as first cuz lets face it, there isnt anyway possible of ever beating the first, it will always remain the best no matter what, but with the right people it can be a huge box office hit, because lets face it, ‘who doesnt wanna see the boys in grey again’ lets just hope they make it so we get to see them maybe have to help the rookies fight the boss, and at the end they strap on the proton pack for the final time , man i wud probly cry lol