How I see the future in GB3:

by Zech15

22 years, 8 months ago

I personally think GB3 is not dead. Just sleeping waiting to wake up. Dan Aykroyd said in an article 2 yrs ago that one reason why GB3 isn\'t being made, is because the same reason MIB 2 isn\'t getting made. Well, all of us know that MIB 2 is already made and is coming out real soon. I think that Sony still has interest in doing GB3. They just need to plan stuff out. To me it doesn\'t make since why they wouldn\'t make it. Because to me, it seems that Ghostbusters seem to be getting more popular. Well maybe not physically in popularity. But as in fans getting more anxious in seeing another sequel. At this rate, the rate will be so larg that Sony will have no choice but to satisfy the fanswink I personally think aswel that Sony is and well being made. I think that they personally made fans think that they\'re not making the film. Doing this they have lots of fans over the world dissapointed. While they\'re dissapointed they are making it. And within a year or so all of a sudden pop ups, posters, etc will be up about GB3 and that will get the fans attentions and spur them into crazyness. Thats when it will be a hit! But then again, I am a crazy wondering looney that thinks stuff like thiswink Besides, even if somehow GB3 doesn\'t get make within a couple of yrs. I have my connections and ways, and I\'ll make it. Dedicated to all the fanswink You\'ll see my prophecies come true! GB3 IS NOT DEAD I\'LL TELL YOU THAT. Ok I\'ll shut up now. Later Ghostheads and lets all cross our fingers, lol!


by thePizzaMaster

22 years, 8 months ago

I really wish people would stop bringing up the GB3-MIB2 “relation”. Just because they made Men In Black II dosnt mean in anyway that GB3 is right behind.

by slimslimer1

22 years, 8 months ago

Here's how I see it:


by Texasgb

22 years, 8 months ago

For now but I think it still may be made in the future.

by samuraijackGB

22 years, 8 months ago

slim slimer
You are not a ghostbusters fan cause you don't have hope in gb3. I know it will be made some day I mean in years like 3 or 2

by Texasgb

22 years, 8 months ago

How is he not a fan with a name like slim slimer? No offense man.

by slimslimer1

22 years, 8 months ago

I'm sorry if I don't want to see a shitty movie that will only make the GB franchise even worse.

Go see Blues Brothers 2000 and you'll understand what I mean: DAN AYKROYD SUCKS NOW.

by Texasgb

22 years, 8 months ago

I still think Aykroyd is a good writer and actor but he has just had a slump.

by sg1star

22 years, 8 months ago

lets see when was gb3 fisrt discussed at sony, september of 96' they even had a script. its now 2002 usly if there gonna make a movie they do it befor now. and everbody at this messageboard is still saying, are they gonna make it, i bet there gonna make it, its not dead. dont get me wrong id like to see a 3rd instalment as the rest of u. but the facts remain its dead. what good does it do to bring up the questions of is it dead. go to any good movie site that has list of movies comeing out, and if they have gb3 listed it will say “project: Dead”

by slimslimer1

22 years, 8 months ago

He's been in a slump for over a decade. He is now a total geek. He isn't funny. He needs to get off Psi-Factor and be funny for a change! Then again maybe not… remember Soul Man?