How I see the future in GB3:

by samuraijackGB

22 years, 8 months ago

bill merry is funny LOL

by Texasgb

22 years, 8 months ago

Slim Slimer you are correct in saying he has been in a slump for a long time but I think this is partly due to the fact that he is not working as hard in the writing area as he did when he was younger. His most sucessful acting roles have been in movies he has written(Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters2, and Blues Brothers). When one looks at Aykroyd they will see he has a really sucessful carrear as a writer, actor , and a musician. He has written several big movies and his first album went double platinum. He is also a very sucessful business man.

by slimslimer1

22 years, 8 months ago

Yes, he can do shitty movies for the rest of his life because he made GB1, GB2, Blues Brothers, and Trading Places.

by GBSlimerFan

22 years, 8 months ago

Do you think GB3 would be crappy like
Blues Brother 2000??


by RentonGb

22 years, 8 months ago

To me I think that if Sony was going to make GB3 they would of made it already. And plus if they do make it and release it theres all those kids out there who don't even know who the heck Ghostbusters are. But heck i'am still hoping.

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 8 months ago

Let's clear up some misconceptions or whatever about GB3 (and GB in general).

I see no GB3 in the near future. 10 years down the road, who knows, but I see none in the near future.

Second of all, I would like to address that one doesn't have to hope GB3 still has hope just to be a true Ghostbusters fan. There really isn't any true definition of a fan; if you want, attach a number or two to it and we'll get back to you. (Ex: Is a true fan based on the amount of FanFics he's/she's written? Or how much he/she loves GB? You don't have the power to define that. No one does).

Also, I wouldn;t say Dan Aykroyd is in a slump. Just because you don't enjoy the stuff he does now, doesn't mean that he's in a slump.

Also, and this is a controversial one: Do we really want another GB movie? Even I can't answer this. Well, I mean, yes, it would be nice to see some proton packs on the big screen again, but would GB3 feel like the originals? (Did XGB feel like RGB? Not entirely).

Ex: Again, I turn to Star Wars. I loved TPM for it's lightsaber action and a few other elements, but the movie didn;t feel like the original trilogy.

I would like to see GB3, but how I would like to see it? That's the real question.

And the future of GB3? Not in the next few years. I can almost guarantee it.

by RentonGb

22 years, 8 months ago

Well said my friend.

by bigpapi428

22 years, 8 months ago

it's in a coma