How is the Wii version

by EJT501

15 years, 8 months ago

Ok so I REALLY want the“nice” version ( PS3 and Xbox)
But I have a PS2 and a Wii And those versions are “cartoony” : (
But I don't really have a choice.

So how are the PS2 and Wii version ?
Is it worth the buy or should I wait and buy a PS3?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

Was kinda curios about this myself. Was thinking about renting it this weekend for shits-and-giggles.

by akira1

15 years, 8 months ago

I remember seeing alot of love on here for the wii version a few months ago…why isn't there much talk about it? All I'm seeing are ps3 and 360 threads oh and a few ps2 (WHY PS2?!?!) when GBwii I'm sure is the best of the (cartoon) versions of the game. I'm going to be getting GBpc but I also have a wii so I'm thinking about getting that one too just would like some feed back from people that have actually had experience playing it.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 8 months ago

I got the Wii version of the game. I think it's a nice companion piece to the 360/PS3 version. The co-op is fun and the controls, while they do take awhile to get down are decent. I honestly think RedFly's version is in some ways funnier, due to thier take on certain events (i.e. When he's supposedly ‘pinned down’ on the stairs by StayPuft's little mini minions) and the animation is a little better.

That said, the Wii version is VERY easy. Played on the hardest difficulty will give you a little bit of a challenge, but not compared to the other version. Also, the AI is, at times, questionable. There have been many times where I'm fighting ghosts and my teammates will just stand there and watch. Also, ghosts will occasionally just float around as you blast and eventually trap them.

Still, the versions are different enough that I don't feel bad about either purchase, and I can definately forsee times where I'll want to play one or the other.

Bonus round: The art on the Wii disk is the first fully colored label I've seen on one. Instead of that one/two toned and transparent job they usually do, so a kudos for that choice too.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 8 months ago

The Wii version is fun, but as stated too easy. You get unlockable stuff which basically makes it easier. I already got a few unlockable upgrades, but I just turn them off to make it harder. I played one level for hard mode just to see how hard it is, and it isn't really much of a difference. I haven't beaten the game yet, I'm tyring to savor it lol.

I might get the PC version of the game for more challenge and the graphics, but I don't think my computer can handle it. The reviews for both versions of the game have been really good so far though, so I wouldn't worry about it. The only downsides to the Wii version is that you don't have any multiplayer games other than co-op, therefor you can't play as the other Ghostbusters. I wouldn't worry about the cartoon style, cause it doesn't take away from the experience. I STILL felt like I was watching a Ghostbusters film, if you could believe that.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

I dont have a 360/PS3 so I cant compare the them to the wii but I love this game, its a little short but a great game. I finshed it 100% yesterday, used the book to find the remaining peices. I must say the only diapointment is no online muliplayer, that was what i was most excited about (ghosts VS. ghostbusters). also where are some of the ghosts from the 360/ps3 versions like the fisherman with the shark?? and the money…….is usless i think (am i wrong)anyways, gameplay is good, takes me a little bit of time with wrangling ghosts but it gets easier over time. the graphics are NOT a problem! they look just how a Wii game should. I would highly recomend it.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 8 months ago

I like it myself, and yeah, I love seeing Venkman on the stairs drinking coffee, and I don't think I have to mention that my favorite ghost are in that version, the Electronic Wisp, especially since they take the form of 8 bit pixels. To bad they're easy to beat and even if you don't they just fizzle out.

by Gareee

15 years, 8 months ago

We have both the PC and wii versions.

We started playing the wii version first, and I just started the PC version.

HUGE dofference obviously graphics wise, but I'm glad we also got the wii version, as the split screen multiplayer is fun.

Ghost slamming is more fun on the wii, I think, but there are also some of the script bits missing here and there we have noticed.

I'd say its a great rental, since you can beat it in 4 hours on the hard level. Not sure about longer term replay value though.

The character styles are growing more and more on us, and I love them all excet Ray for some reason.

Its a solid fun Wii title, better then most 3rd party titles, but just not enough “meat” in it to compete seriously with the nintendo titles, whoich have much longer play value.

by GuyCC

15 years, 8 months ago

I think it's a “cute” version of the game. Not in a patronizing bad way. Things are a little more simplified (the firehouse doesn't even have half the level of detail), but they do add some new lines and twists to story situations. Some things may be gone, but completely new things are added to balance it out.

Catching ghosts isn't nearly half as much of a fight, but the Wiimote blasting and trap throwing is fun. The graphic style works in completely different ways from the realistic version. Character faces are much more expressive, and some lines just seem to be delivered better with the extra expression in the faces and body language.

There are also differences in how cut scenes are played out. May be the same context and dialogue, but it's shown in a different way.

It's definitely one of the better Wi games out there, and seeing how I just beat the 360 version, it's like getting more game. After beating the 360 version, I need more game right now.

by chriz

15 years, 8 months ago

I have now played Ghostbusters on Ps3 and Wii The Wii version however is my favourite. Here Is my thoughts :

- Cut scenes seem to express more emotion. Thus it makes the voice acting appear better despite been same.
- Wiimote use of catching/zapping ghosts is the best IMO. I love how it makes it like your a ghostbuster and brings an element to the table that ps3 can't
- A girl ghostbuster option. Not a big deal to me. I'm male however my girlfriend said she wished the option was in ps3 version.
- Co-op. I'm sorry but say what you too, Co-op with someone in the room with you vastly improves the experience. E.g hearing your friend yell “AHHH I'VE ME SLIMED!” is funny. It makes it more enjoyable
- Janine. Her look in Wii version is awesome.
- The look of the game been cartoony makes it some how just work very well.

- Shorter story mode
- No extra modes like ps3.
- Less hidden easter eggs*
- crossing the streams doesn't do anything*

*these two maybe small but they do add to it.


You said “Is it worth the buy or should I wait and buy a PS3? ” NO as Ps3 version is like a different game. I'd get wii version then when ever you do get ps3 version get that too then. I realise you already got the Wii version but this is so others wondering the same will know.

The Wii version IS the best version IMO. I know some will disagree but that's my personal favourite.