How is the Wii version

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

The Wii version IS the best version IMO. I know some will disagree but that's my personal favourite.

Im with you, my fav as well.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

I have now played Ghostbusters on Ps3 and Wii The Wii version however is my favourite. Here Is my thoughts :

- crossing the streams doesn't do anything

Crossing the streams does knock the players down. I was able to cross them with my buddy and it definitely knocked us down. Its just a little bit harder to do because most of the time your pack overheats before you can get the full effect, but it definitely does something if you are able to cross the streams for long enough.

That said… I enjoy the Wii version. Its fun, and making the actual motions is really neat. However, I definitely prefer the PS3 version for the realism and full story. I haven't played a ton of the Wii version yet, but I do like it. My arm just gets tired from constantly having to aim where I want to look.

by Gareee

15 years, 8 months ago

I think for a more “movie like” experience, the PC/next gens are superior, and have lots of additional content, BUT as just mentioned, wrangling ghosts with a freind in the same room is just really FUN.

Odds are people will be able to pick up the wii version for $20 used reasonably fast, since the game is shorter, however we find ourselves replaying some levels just to play GB together.

There is a “mini game” in the end credits of the wii.. two people can actually wrangle slimer flying around!

We haven't completed it yet, but someone else said completing the Wii version on hard with all discovered book items and ghosts unlocks a new “Gozarian” even harder difficulty level.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 8 months ago

I think for a more “movie like” experience, the PC/next gens are superior, and have lots of additional content, BUT as just mentioned, wrangling ghosts with a freind in the same room is just really FUN.

Odds are people will be able to pick up the wii version for $20 used reasobaly fast, since the game is shorter, however we find ourselves replaying some levels just to play GB together.

There is a “mini game” in the end credits of the wii.. two people can actually wrangle slimer flying around!

We haven't completed it yet, but someone else said completing the Wii version on hard with all discovered book items and ghosts unlocks a new “Gozarian” even harder difficulty level.

I think you mean the Gozarian outfit, Gozarian difficulty is the version of hard mode, its available form the start, (stay puft pic in profile view)

by lionheart1

15 years, 8 months ago

I enjoy the Wii version. I bought it strictly because I liked the style and it had split screen co-op in the story, so I have no complaints because that's what I got. It's different than the realistic versions, but not too terribly much. There are lines missing (“I'd say mighty pissed”) that are kind of to be expected for a toned down kids' version (as much as I hate using that term to describe it), but there are some new lines to make up for it it seems. The firehouse is severely lacking compared to the realistic versions though.

I play the 360 version mostly because it has the online co-op and different game modes, but when my girlfriend and I are sitting down to play a game together, GB on Wii does a good job at being that game.

by Gareee

15 years, 8 months ago

Gozarian outfit? We chose the 3rd difficulty level, which is the hardest, correct? Our outfits look normal in the game.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Gozarian outfit? We chose the 3rd difficulty level, which is the hardest, correct? Our outfits look normal in the game.

Have you beat the game yet on Gozerain difficulty? Because that is what Ectoman was saying. Once you beat it on Gozerian difficulty, you unlock the Gozerian outfit. You don't unlock another difficulty.

by Gareee

15 years, 8 months ago

Ah.. ok.. no, haven't beaten it yet.

A harder difficilty level would have been nice though…

(We are playing the wii and PC versions simultaniously, both on hard, to make the experience last longer.)

by chriz

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;150689
Crossing the streams does knock the players down. I was able to cross them with my buddy and it definitely knocked us down. Its just a little bit harder to do because most of the time your pack overheats before you can get the full effect, but it definitely does something if you are able to cross the streams for long enough

Ahh thank you. We tried it and nothing happened . Will try it longer

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Ahh thank you. We tried it and nothing happened . Will try it longer

Just a tip, both of you need to aim at the same spot on a wall or something, and then start firing at the same time. Otherwise, chances are one of you will overheat if you start firing and then your friend has to aim at your stream to try to cross.