How many copies will issue #1 sell?

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 6 months ago

hey two copies thats great i was just going to buy one and hope it stayed in good condition after i read it a thousand times and cut out the article where you can send away for all kinds of junk if you get all those points and stuff

by egonspengler5

21 years, 6 months ago


Been watching this issue more than enough - I am cross-posting this response, one in here and one in it's own thread.

I will be placing an ORDER SUBSCRIPTION page on my website for those of you who cannot, for reasons of no store, too many shootings or a cross-rip of biblical proportions, purchase 1 or 2 copies of the new Ghostbusters comic.

There shall be NO PROFIT increase on my part WHATSOEVER - I will merely be asking YOU to cover the “package and posting” of the comics

I will be using USPS or UPS to deliver - so you can easily find out the average cost of shipping the item to your location from my home state of New Jersey, USA.

Again, there shall be NO PROFIT INCREASE - I am not a retailer nor a wholesaler - merely a ghosthead (as many of you) who has decided to throw my hat into the ring of this arena for those of you who are unfortunate enough not to have access to purchase this wonderful comic upon it's release.

I will figure out my legal rant, i.e. personal checks, money orders, etc… at some later date (before the comic release) and let you all know.

If this is a good idea, let me know?

by divia1

21 years, 5 months ago

There are online sites where you can order comics such as Westfield and others. Of course many of those require you to buy atleast $10.00 worth of comics.

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 5 months ago

You might be able to order from or