How many of us are left?

by weepel

18 years ago

Zack I saw that the new topic you started in Weaver hall was deleted. That's ridiculous. You were right though, the guy who claimed people were like kids asking “are we there yet” is completely wrong about the situation. I can't believe that it's already Feb of 2007 and no real news has surfaced. Especially since it was said that the book had to be out by the end of last year.

I dont' understand why he takes the time to reply to other topics, but won't just simply say “listen I know that I promised this to be out at this time, but it looks like due to whatever problems I'm having I have to delay it a little longer.” At least be honest about the updates and just say something like “when something happens I'll let you know” not “I promise you this week I'll tell you what's up” and then not deliver at all. There's nothing I can't stand more then when people say that they are going to do something that they are not going to do. If you're not going to do it then please don't get our hopes up.

by fome

18 years ago

ok, let's see, how do I start this…

maybe some stuff to consider reading before all hell breaks loose…

Due to the fact that I am a licencee of Sony Picture Entertainment, I am legally bound by certain rules. Therefore I retain any and all rights to not answer any questions (either made publicaly or privately by means of private messaging) or acknowledge any comments and claims and so without any justifications or explanations due to legal reasons and obligations.


Update next week with publishing date info and how to check your shipping address, etc.

Those not interested in keeping their orders will have the info on how to do that that as well.

Until then this is locked, any other topic on the same subject will be deleted.


* posted on February 9… one week later still no update…


I'm not asking for an answer or anything but I have sent 2 pm's in 2 years to Sebastien just to tell him that I'm being loyal to my order and to hope that everything goes well. Now, I know that I'm just a nobody or simply a grain of sand on a beach called GhostbustersFanBase sending a pm to him about a hardcover that probably won't even be a hardcover in the end, but as a nobody I did order the hardcover along with many other members in here who got sick of waiting whom some even told me I was some kind of fool for being patient, and it takes like 2 seconds to reply something like “thank you”. I'm not asking him to give me the release date of the hardcover, and I hope it's not because I'm a nobody that he might be like “why do I gotta thank him?”, but heck, even Kingpin is part of those nobody's (sarcasm) and he's a moderator at, so what's up with that? I find that kind of insulting even if being a nobody among others but for keeping my order up since 2005 and never being an @$$ about it. I am not being an @$$ now, I do not plan to be it either, but after I learned about Zack's post being deleted and stuff I find it kind of insulting for people who try to support the hardcover since the beginning.

I still feel like I should had kept my mouth shut and just continue being patient but I had to let this out of my system… like when you go pooping…

now I will take 2 seconds and say “thank you” to myself for my patience…

and finally, I want to point out that I'm not mad or anything…

by GuyCC

18 years ago

Less promised “next weeks” and some actual concrete news WOULD be nice though.

But I'm just being redundant at this point.

by zack1

18 years ago

yeah I felt kinda redundant posting and I knew it would likely be deleted and I think now I'll just not try to get any answers since they don't seem to like giving them. I was patient and said absolutely nothing for a long time and I still am patient. There has been enough of a life to where I just forgot all about it, but having it come back up and week after week after week of promised nothings gets to be aggravating.


by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I was lurking over at Weaver Hall and saw him lock someone's post and on Feb 9th, he replied that he'll give a date and more informtion the next week.

by zack1

18 years ago

I was lurking over at Weaver Hall and saw him lock someone's post and on Feb 9th, he replied that he'll give a date and more informtion the next week.

yeah that was mine. There was a previous thread someone else posted that was deleted so I posted, knowing full well it would likely get locked or deleted. Then I posted a topic yesterday saying “well its been a week” well nicer than that and politely asking but still…that was deleted so I guess (*winston)

What we don't know won't hurt them…

That legal reasons and obligations really gets me. What about the obligation to I don't know how many dedicated fans who have been waiting for the book for over a few years..haha screw them. Maybe he's afraid to tell us there's absolutely no development of the book. I swear I hope he'd be working every day to rectify the problem. I don't care if he has to take a job flipping burgers, it'd be nice to know he's trying to make things right still instead of lying to us about updates.

Our hardcovers are likely nothing more than blank stacks of paper now if that. I wonder if Dan Aykroyd knows the status of the hardcover of his beloved franchise.


by fome

18 years ago

I was lurking over at Weaver Hall and saw him lock someone's post and on Feb 9th, he replied that he'll give a date and more informtion the next week.

hello? earth to earth?


Update next week with publishing date info and how to check your shipping address, etc.

Those not interested in keeping their orders will have the info on how to do that that as well.

Until then this is locked, any other topic on the same subject will be deleted.


* posted on February 9… one week later still no update…


by zack1

18 years ago

I don't get it. I really don't. I don't know how much if any Sony is involved but it seems it'd be somewhat of an important thing since ALL these people have given their money and have nothing to show for it. It freakin' boggles my mind to see Seb online reading the comic forums, posting other stuff elsewhere. Acting like there isn't a problem at all…and removing of all questions asking not neccessarily the status of the book so much as the status of the updates we're told we were getting on the book. Just stop the lies, please.

“Update next week!”

“Update later this week!”


by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I was lurking over at Weaver Hall and saw him lock someone's post and on Feb 9th, he replied that he'll give a date and more informtion the next week.

hello? earth to earth?


Update next week with publishing date info and how to check your shipping address, etc.

Those not interested in keeping their orders will have the info on how to do that that as well.

Until then this is locked, any other topic on the same subject will be deleted.


* posted on February 9… one week later still no update…


I was basically in complete concurrence to what Z was saying. I somehow completely skipped over that line in your post. Apologizes.

by fome

18 years ago
