How much more do we have to wait?

by jedimiller

14 years, 6 months ago

Aren't you all tired of waiting? our expectations are so high the movie could suck! I mean, why just not let it go already?.


by Kingpin

14 years, 6 months ago

We'll wait however long it takes to either get it made, or finally… once and for all… announce it's never going to happen.


14 years, 6 months ago

Personally speaking I'm not as desperate for Ghostbusters III as I was ten or fifteen years ago.

I'd like to see one more film but only if it's good, and by that I mean above average. I'm not expecting Ghostbusters III to be as good as the first film but I do expect it to be better than the second.

Even if there isn't going to be any more films there are still various other mediums in which Ghostbusters can continue.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 6 months ago

Personally speaking I'm not as desperate for Ghostbusters III as I was ten or fifteen years ago.

That's a true point. In 1999, even with my limited computer knowledge, I continually searched for new information on GB3. Now, while I would be there on opening day with a smile on my face, we've come down this road so many times, I just take it all with a grain of salt. Until I see a trailer, I'll be perfectly working on expanding my GB collection of merchandise.

Would I like to see it happen - sure, if it's good. The leaked plot proposals so far have all been garbage.

Plus, (not that it will happen) but I would prefer another video game over another movie.

by castewar1

14 years, 6 months ago

I've been waiting since 1989, so I've learned to pace myself…


14 years, 6 months ago

I've been waiting since 1989, so I've learned to pace myself…

Same here! I can still remember walking out of the theatre feeling slightly disappointed with the film and thinking “Well…maybe the next one'll be better”. That was almost 21 years ago! I've always wanted a third Ghostbusters film and I still do but if it's not going to be something special then I don't want it.

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 6 months ago

Like many, I remember the late 90's talk of a GB3 “Hellbent” which never happened. I'm sure a new GB movie will happen, but will it be with Bill's blessing or after he is dead? Sony is sure to cash in as soon as Bill is out of the picture, because he has been holding this back the whole time.

Bill needs to grow up, and sign away and let Dan run the franchise without him. Sony will find others with star power if Bill ain't there.

by pinkandblack84

14 years, 5 months ago

tbh though i think Bill Murray has a valid point about the whole franchise, ghostbusts was a fantastic movie and the second tbh i dont agree with the amount of critical reviews it gets but yes it wasn't nearly as good as the first movies .

And to be fair alot of time has past since the second movie the actors and actresses in them have got alot older and moves into other areas of film making and different genres there really doesn't need to be a third ghostbusters movie.

Billy Murray always seems to get lumbered and get the finger pointed at him for not wanting a third movie in the series but tbh i can't say i blame him, comedy and action movies have moved on since the days of Ghostbusters and it's time to let it go.

the game was a nice compromise imo and gave the fans not only something to play but a third story in the movie universe, i think that's enough tbh. At least that's my opinion.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 5 months ago

can't say i blame him, comedy and action movies have moved on since the days of Ghostbusters and it's time to let it go.

I wouldn't say they've moved on, they've just changed since that time. They're still action and comedy movies, they're just not done the same way as they're use to, which is understandable since times have changed and the way movies are made have changed. Better or worse is debatable.

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 5 months ago

Peter Venkmen;165234
I wouldn't say they've moved on, they've just changed since that time. They're still action and comedy movies, they're just not done the same way as they're use to, which is understandable since times have changed and the way movies are made have changed. Better or worse is debatable.

I find myself today thinking of Zombieland. Its a Comedy horror action movie much like Ghostbusters. It has good character development. It for the most part doesn't play the dirty joke card. Its special effects don't get in the way of the actors acting. Soild reviews, one of the top movies of 2009.

I think Dan should call up they team and talk GB3. Bill may actually agree to it sense he knows them. Thoughts….